NekoShlink for PluralSight
This repository contains the code for the PluralSight course as it is developed along the various modules of the course.
The course is written and presented in Kotlin, but Java developers can also find the Java version of the relevant code in this repo.
Original Kotlin Code
All the Kotlin code is for the course is in the kotlin
branch, and each demo of the course is labeled with a tag, as follows
- Manually Securing a CLI Application
Getting Familiar with unsecured NekoShlinkmodule2step1
Securing the CLI with API keys and hard-coded userbase
- Adding Authentication to a RESTful API with Spring Security and Spring Boot
Securing the Shlink Compatibility API with API keysmodule3step2
Enabling TLS in a Spring Boot applicationmodule3step3
Enabling mTLS in a Spring Boot applicationmodule3step4
Opening up access to the Open API endpoints
- Creating and Maintaining a User Base for your RESTful API
X.509 certificates with hard-coded userbasemodule4step2
Configuring the HTTP Basic and Form-based challenges
- Implementing OIDC Authentication with KeyCloak
OIDC authentication with Spring Auth Servermodule5step2
OIDC authentication with KeyCloakmodule5step3
Example third-party NekoShlink dashboard with KeyCloak
- Adding Authorization to the RESTful API Endpoints
Configuring fine-grained authorization for HTTP endpointsmodule6step2
Simplifying authorization expressions with role hierarchies
- Adding Authorization to the Business Logic Services
Method-level authorization for HTTP endpointsmodule7step2
Method-level authorization on data access layermodule7step3
Access control annotations and no more controls in front-endsmodule7step4
Delegation with RunAs (solving access issues in anonymous code)
- Auditing Access to the Application
Authentication logging with Spring Security eventsmodule8step2
Spring Actuator audit eventsmodule8step3
JPA callbacks and Spring Data auditingmodule8step4v1
Setting up historic data change audit (with Envers)module8step4v2
Setting up historic data change audit (with JaVers)
Java Code Version
Java code is provided for all relevant artefacts to the course in the java
branch, and each demo of the course is labeled with a tag, as follows
- Manually Securing a CLI Application
Getting Familiar with unsecured NekoShlinkjavamod2step1
Securing the CLI with API keys and hard-coded userbase
- Adding Authentication to a RESTful API with Spring Security and Spring Boot
Securing the Shlink Compatibility API with API keysjavamod3step2
Enabling TLS in a Spring Boot applicationjavamod3step3
Enabling mTLS in a Spring Boot applicationjavamod3step4
Opening up access to the Open API endpoints
- Creating and Maintaining a User Base for your RESTful API
X.509 certificates with hard-coded userbasejavamod4step2
Configuring the HTTP Basic and Form-based challenges
- Implementing OIDC Authentication with KeyCloak
OIDC authentication with Spring Auth Serverjavamod5step2
OIDC authentication with KeyCloakjavamod5step3
Example third-party NekoShlink dashboard with KeyCloak
- Adding Authorization to the RESTful API Endpoints
Configuring fine-grained authorization for HTTP endpointsjavamod6step2
Simplifying authorization expressions with role hierarchies
- Adding Authorization to the Business Logic Services
Method-level authorization for HTTP endpointsjavamod7step2
Method-level authorization on data access layerjavamod7step3
Access control annotations and no more controls in front-endsjavamod7step4
Delegation with RunAs (solving access issues in anonymous code)
- Auditing Access to the Application
Authentication logging with Spring Security eventsjavamod8step2
Spring Actuator audit eventsjavamod8step3
JPA callbacks and Spring Data auditingjavamod8step4v1
Setting up historic data change audit (with Envers)javamod8step4v2
Setting up historic data change audit (with JaVers)