
Export a Fossil SCM wiki to Git preserving the revision history

Primary LanguageTclMIT LicenseMIT


Export a Fossil SCM wiki to Git preserving (recreating) the revision history.

This program is the missing exporter for the wiki feature of Fossil SCM. It exports every Fossil wiki page to a file in a chosen subdirectory of a new or existing Git repository. Every wiki page revision becomes a Git commit. The commits are in correct chronological order (globally, not just by page). The appropriate author date is set for each commit through GIT_AUTHOR_DATE.

Known bugs and limitations

  • Each of the characters < > : " / \ | ? * is replaced with _ in the filename. This means that the pages Foo: Bar and Foo? Bar will be exported to the same file.


  • Git 2.x. The program has been tested with version 2.25.1.
  • Fossil 2.14.2 or later. (Earlier versions may work but haven't been tested.)
  • Tcl 8.6 or later.


./fossil-wiki-export.tcl /path/to/repo.fossil /path/to/git-repo subdir-for-wiki-files

Environment variable settings

Besides the command line arguments, you can customize the behavior of FWE with environment variables.

  • FWE_AFTER (string, default 1900-01-01T00:00:00) — only export modifications after this timestamp (non-inclusive).
  • FWE_INIT (boolean, default true) — run git init in the target Git repository path.
  • FWE_TEMPLATE (string, default wiki($page): $action) — the commit message template. $page is replaced with the Fossil wiki page name (L in the card); $action, with "create", "update", or "delete".
  • FWE_VERBOSE (boolean, default false) — be verbose and print debug information.
