
Small application for HTTP request load testing with different actions, JSON test files and variable usage

Primary LanguageGo

Build Status


Load tester is a simple tool created for easy load testing HTTP endpoints focused on response time and verifying expected results.

What it can do:

  1. Launch specific number of users (streams) and loops for each user over specific amount of time (ramp up).
  2. Supports writing general results & http results.
  3. Supports different tasks: http_request, sleep, comparisons.
  4. Supports variables: both predefined and parsed from http results (status, headers, response time, body (json)).
  5. Supports comparison actions, which can be used to check if you got correct response code, got response in satisfying amount of time or if you got expected result -> number of items returned, property equals/contains/starts(ends)With/lesser/greater/regex - or their ‘not’ counterparts.
  6. Accepts json as test definition.

Getting Started

To start using the tool, download the latest binaries for your OS from the 'Releases' section on GitHub. This tools supports Windows (x86/x64), Linux (x86/x64) and MacOS (x64). To run the test, execute following command in your terminal: load-tester -i TEST_FILE -id TEST_ID -o OUTPUT_FOLDER -t TOLERANCE_PERCENTAGE


Argument Type Description
TEST_FILE string Path to the JSON file containing test definition
TEST_ID string Random id to be given for the test and used in output files' name
OUTPUT_FOLDER string Path to the directory where results files will be saved
TOLERANCE_PERCENTAGE float Percentage of failed loops, which can be tolerated. i.e -t 3.5 means that if 3.5% or less of loops have failed, the test will be marked successful. To fail the test on any error - omit this argument or set it to 0

Learn about writing a test file definition here or have a look at the example file

Learn about results produced by this application here


If you would like to build the application yourself, you can run included build script: build.sh PACKAGE_NAME [PLATFORM]

Where PACKAGE_NAME would be the base name of output execution file (i.e if the package name is load-tester it will produce load-tester-x64 or load-tester-x86 files).

PLATFORM argument is optional and can be one of the following: "windows/amd64" "windows/386" "darwin/amd64" "linux/amd64" "linux/386". If this argument is ommited, than the build script will produce packages for all the mentioned above platforms.


Please feel free to create a pull request with your suggestions and fixes.