
A Python implementation of the Interchangeable Virtual Instrument standard.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python IVI Readme

For more information and updates: http://alexforencich.com/wiki/en/python-ivi/start

GitHub repository: https://github.com/alexforencich/python-ivi


Python IVI is a Python-based interpretation of the Interchangeable Virtual Instrument standard from the IVI foundation.

Included drivers

  • Oscilloscopes (scope):
    • Agilent InfiniiVision 7000A/B series
    • Agilent Infiniium 90000A/90000X series
  • Function Generators (fgen):
    • Tektronix AWG2000 series
  • DC Power Supplies (dcpwr):
    • Tektronix PS2520G/PS2521G
    • Agilent E3600A series
  • RF Power Meters (pwrmeter):
    • Agilent 436A
  • RF Signal Generators (rfsiggen):
    • Agilent 8642 A/B

Instrument communication

Python IVI can use Python VXI-11, pySerial and linux-gpib to connect to instruments. The implementation of the initialize method takes a VISA resource string and attempts to connect to an instrument. If the resource string starts with TCPIP, then Python IVI will attempt to use Python VXI-11. If it starts with GPIB, it will attempt to use linux-gpib's python interface. If it starts with ASRL, it attemps to use pySerial. Integration with PyVISA is planned, but not currently supported.

A note on standards compliance

As the IVI standard only specifies the API for C, COM, and .NET, a Python implementation is inherently not compliant and hence this is not an implementation of the standard, but an interpretation that tries to remain as faithful as possibe while presenting a uniform, easy-to-use, sensible, python-style interface.

The Python IVI library is a Pythonized version of the .NET and COM IVI API specifications, with the CamelCase for everything but the class names replaced with lowercase_with_underscores. The library most closely follows the .NET standard, with the calls that would require the .NET helper classes follwing the corresponding COM specifications. There are some major deviations from the specification in order to be consistent with the spirit of the other IVI specifications. The fgen class is the most obvious example of this, using properties instead of the getters and setters as required by the IVI specification.


Extract and run

# python setup.py install

Usage examples

This sample Python code will use Python IVI to connect to an Agilent MSO7104A over LXI (VXI-11), configure the timebase, trigger, and channel 1, capture a waveform, and read it out of the instrument.

# import Python IVI
import ivi
# connect to MSO7104A via LXI
mso = ivi.agilent.agilentMSO7104A("TCPIP0::")
# configure timebase
mso.acquisition.time_per_record = 1e-3
# configure triggering
mso.trigger.type = 'edge'
mso.trigger.source = 'channel1'
mso.trigger.coupling = 'dc'
mso.trigger.edge.slope = 'positive'
mso.trigger.level = 0
# configure channel
mso.channels['channel1'].enabled = True
mso.channels['channel1'].offset = 0
mso.channels['channel1'].range = 4
mso.channels['channel1'].coupling = 'dc'
# initiate measurement
# read out channel 1 waveform data
waveform = mso.channels[0].measurement.fetch_waveform()

This sample Python code will use Python IVI to connect to a Tektronix AWG2021, generate a sinewave with numpy, and transfer it to channel 1.

# import Python IVI
import ivi
# import numpy
from numpy import *
# connect to AWG2021 via GPIB
#awg = ivi.tektronix.tektronixAWG2021("GPIB0::25::INSTR")
# connect to AWG2021 via E2050A GPIB to VXI11 bridge
awg = ivi.tektronix.tektronixAWG2021("TCPIP0::,25::INSTR")
# connect to AWG2021 via serial
#awg = ivi.tektronix.tektronixAWG2021("ASRL::/dev/ttyUSB0,9600::INSTR")
# create a waveform
n = 128
f = 1
a = 1
wfm = a*sin(2*pi/n*f*arange(0,n))
# transfer to AWG2021
# 2 volts peak to peak
awg.outputs[0].arbitrary.gain = 2.0
# zero offset
awg.outputs[0].arbitrary.gain = 0.0
# sample rate 128 MHz
arb.arbitrary.sample_rate = 128e6
# enable ouput
awg.outputs[0].enabled = True

This sample Python code will use Python IVI to connect to an Agilent E3649A and configure an output.

# import Python IVI
import ivi
# connect to E3649A via GPIB
#psu = ivi.agilent.agilentE3649A("GPIB0::5::INSTR")
# connect to E3649A via E2050A GPIB to VXI11 bridge
psu = ivi.agilent.agilentE3649A("TCPIP0::,5::INSTR")
# connect to E3649A via serial
#psu = ivi.agilent.agilentE3649A("ASRL::/dev/ttyUSB0,9600::INSTR")
# configure output
psu.outputs[0].voltage_level = 12.0
psu.outputs[0].current_limit = 1.0
psu.outputs[0].ovp_limit = 14.0
psu.outputs[0].ovp_enabled = True
psu.outptus[0].enabled = True