
🔧 Yet another news reader app written in flutter to enhance the daily news routine 🤖

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Yourly Build status deployment

Motivation 🤔

I read the same pages every morning and so far I have not found a good news reader and always fall back to use chrome at the end of the day. There are many articles that I temporarily store and read in the office, for example. So I built yourly - a very simple news reader for my favorite platforms including options to store articles.

(and I wanted to dig into flutter 🤓)

Features 👍

  • Supports Ycombinator news, Github Trending (+ C#, + Dart)
  • RSS 2 Support (all feeds are stored in assets/rss.json)
  • Long press to open the article in-app
  • Double tap to archive the article
  • Tap to open in the default browser
  • Timeline: double tap open the action menu (share, remove)
  • Infinity scroll
  • Pull to refresh
  • This project shows the power of Azure DevOps which is used for CI / CD
  • Builds are currently distributed for Android only on Visual Studio App Center
  • Sexy on-boarding page

Roadmap 🚧

  • Code cleanup, abstractions for certain functionalities, dedup the code
  • Implement search functionality
  • Display the timeline as a real timeline (grouped by day)
  • Make tabs configurable, choose your news providers and sort them
  • Push to PlayStore
  • F-Droid
  • Implement CI builds
  • Add a release to GitHub releases
  • Simple web interface to access all saved articles
  • (basic understanding how flutter works)

Add your own RSS feed ✔️

  • Just fork the repository, add your own feed to assets/rss.json and create a PR

Help wanted 🆘

  • I'm searching for iOS maintainers

Warning ⚠️

I primarily started this project to learn about flutter and built it last night in a few hours so the code-quality might not be the best.

Screenshots 📱


