
OpenGEODE - A tiny free SDL [Specification and Description Language] editor

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


OpenGEODE is a tiny open-source SDL editor that is developed for the purpose of providing an easy to use and free state machine editor and Ada code generator to the TASTE toolchain from the European Space Agency, running in combination with ESA's ASN.1 "Space Certifiable" ASN.1 compiler.

SDL is the Specification and Description Language (Z100 standard from ITU-T).

This is NOT related to the graphical Simple DirectMedia Layer libraries!

Visit http://sdl-forum.org for more information about SDL. Visit http://www.pragmadev.com to get a full-featured commercial SDL tool and support

alt tag


  • Graphical editor of SDL processes and procedures.
  • SDL2010 features: FOR loops in task symbols, hierarchical states
  • Works on pure PR+CIF files (textual SDL notation) - no fancy proprietary save format
  • Full supports ASN.1 data types - using ESA Space Certified compiler (www.github.com/ttsiodras/asn1scc)
  • Generates Ada code
  • Extensive syntax and semantic checks
  • Automatic conversion to Statechart diagrams
  • Save the complete or parts of the model to PNG/SVG/PDF files
  • Hyperlinks (link a symbol content to any external document or web page)
  • Zoom in, zoom-out
  • Context-dependent text auto-completion
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Undo/Redo, Copy-Paste
  • (Limited) VIM mode - You can use :wq or :%s,search,replace,g, and /search pattern
  • SDL to LLVM code generation



There are several dependencies for OpenGEODE: Apart from pygraphviz, all of them exist for Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, and most likely Mac OSX

  • Python 2.7 with pip
  • Pyside (the Qt bindings for Python)
  • Python ANTLR Runtime
  • PyGraphviz (Linux only - not available on Windows)
  • enum34, singledispatch
  • (optional) GNAT to build the generated Ada code
  • mono
  • llvmpy (tested with 0.12.7)
  • LLVM (tested with 3.3)

On Debian, Ubuntu, and probably other distributions:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pyside pyside-tools graphviz pip gnat mono-runtime libmono-system-runtime4.0-cil libmono-i18n-west2.0-cil libmono-posix2.0-cil libmono-security2.0-cil
$ sudo pip install --upgrade graphviz enum34 singledispatch
$ sudo pip install antlr_python_runtime --allow-external antlr_python_runtime --allow-unverified antlr_python_runtime

To install the ASN.1 compiler:

$ cd /opt
$ sudo wget http://www.semantix.gr/asn1scc/asn1Comp.tar.gz
$ sudo tar zxvf asn1Comp.tar.gz
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/asn1Comp/bin' >> ~/.bashrc

Check that it works:

$ asn1.exe

To install llvmpy and LLVM follow the instructions here

OpenGEODE installation

To install the application on your machine, once all dependencies are met:

$ pip install --upgrade opengeode

This is sufficient to get opengeode running

Installation from source

You can get the source from the TASTE repositories or from GitHub

$ git clone https://github.com/maxime-esa/opengeode.git

Then enter the opengeode directory and as root, type:

$ make install

Installation is optional. You can simply run opengeode.py to get it work.

Information and contact

OpenGEODE is part of the TASTE project.

Find more information and download at http://taste.tuxfamily.org

TASTE allows to create embedded software systems that combine SDL models with C, Ada, Matlab-Simulink and a few other languages or tools.

OpenGEODE is mainly designed, developed and maintained by Maxime Perrotin maxime (dot) perrotin (at) esa (dot) int

The LLVM backend was designed and implemented by Diego Barbera during the ESA Summer of Code 2014

Some parts have been implemented by Laurent Meyer (native SDL type support in the parser)

The background pattern was downloaded from www.subtlepatterns.com

The ASN.1 compiler (ASN1Scc) that OpenGEODE is based on was developed by George Mamais and Thanassis Tsiodras for the European Space Agency. Information at http://www.semantix.gr/asn1scc


License is LGPL (see file LICENSE) The fonts are the fonts from Ubuntu, check licence in file FONT-LICENSE.TXT


0.994 (07/2014) - Maintenance release, minor fixes

0.993 (07/2014) - Parser bugfixes - Better support for nested states - Ada generator improvements - Support for unicode - Indentation of PR code - Copy-paste of procedures and nested states - Improved regression testing

0.99 (04/2014) - Refactoring of the backend engine, now using singledispatch - Support of hierachical states - Minor bugfixes

0.98 - Added support for FOR loops In a task, use "for x in range([start], stop, [range]): ... endfor" or "for x in sequenceOfvariable: ... endfor" - Default symbol size is smaller - Various minor bugfixes

0.97 - added support for default value when declaring a variable e.g. DCL myVar myType ::= { x 5, y 2 }; default value must be a ground expression