
Works like rspec let but easily creates unique junk data

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Cache tiny chunks of unique junk data in RSpec with junklet :name; get handy clumps of junk data at any time with junk. Size your junk with e.g. junk 100 or junk 4.

Junklet data is fixture data that:

  • We essentially don't care about,
  • But we might need it to conform to a certain format,
  • And we might want to test for equality somewhere later,
  • And we might need to be unique between runs in case a spec crashes and SQLServer fails to clean up the test database


  • We want it to be easy to create junk data fields quickly and easily, and
  • If equality fails we want to be led to the offending field by the error message and not just the line number in the stack trace.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rspec-junklet'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rspec-junklet


junklet adds two keywords to RSpec's DSL: junklet, which defines a let statement containing junk data, and junk, which is a method that returns many and varied types of junk data. The former is meant to be used as part of the DSL to declare pieces of data to be junk, while the latter is intended to be used anywhere inside RSpec to supply the junk data itself.

To illustrate, these statements are essentially identical:

junklet :pigtruck
let(:pigtruck) { junk }

Caveat: they are slightly different; junklet :pigtruck is actually identical to let(:pigtruck) { "pigtruck-" + junk }


junklet declares a memoized variable containing random junk.

junklet :var [, :var_2 [...]] [, options_hash]

So, for example,

junklet :first_name

Creates a let :first_name with the value of first_name-774030d0f58d4f588c5edddbdc7f9580 (the hex number is a uuid without hyphens and will change with each test case, not just each test run).

Currently the options hash only gives you control over the variable names appear in the junk data, not the junk data itself. For example,

junklet :host_name, separator: '-'

Creates a let :host_name, but changes underscores to hyphens in the string value, e.g. host-name-774030d0f58d4f588c5edddbdc7f9580. Useful specifically for host names, which cannot have underscores in them.

junklet :a_a, :b_b, :c_c, separator: '.'

Does what it says on the tin: creates 3 items with string values of a.a.774..., b.b.1234..., and c.c.234abc... respectively. I don't know why you'd need this, but hey, if you do there it is.


junk returns random junk, which can be finely tuned and fiddled with.

junk (integer|symbol|enumerable|proc) [options]

By default, just calling junk from inside a spec or let block returns a random hex string 32 bytes long.


Give junk an integer argument and it will return that many hexadecimal digits of junk data. Note that this is HALF the number of digits returned if you were to call SecureRandom.hex(n), because hex(n) returns n bytes, each of which requires two hex digits to represent. Since we're more concerned about specific byte lengths, junk(n) gives you n digits, not n*2 digits representing n bytes.

junk 17 - return 17 bytes of junk data


junk may be given a symbol denoting the type of data to be returned. Currently :int and :bool are the only supported types. junk :bool merely returns true or false; junk :int is much more complicated and interesting.

junk :bool # Boring. Well, 50% chance of boring.

junk :int is the most complicated and/or interesting type of junk. It returns a random decimal number, and it has the most options such as size (number of digits), and min and max (which sort of do what you'd expect).

By default, junk :int returns a random number from 0 to the largest possible Fixnum, which is 2**62-1.

junk :int # return a random integer from 0 to 2**62-1 (maximum size of
a Fixnum)

size, min and max control the size and bounds of the random number.

junk :int, size: 3 # returns a 3-digit decimal from 100 to 999.
junk :int, max: 10 # returns a random number from 0 to 10.
junk :int, min: 100 # returns a random number from 100 to 2**62-1.

Note: You can mix size with min or max, but they can only be used to further restrict the range, not expand it, because that would change the size constraint. So these examples work the way you'd expect:

junk :int, size: 4, min: 2000 # random number 2000-9999
junk :int, size: 4, max: 2000 # random number 1000-2000

But in these examples, min and max have no effect:

junk :int, size: 2, min: 0 # nope, still gonna get 10-99
junk :int, size: 2, max: 200 # nope, still gonna get 10-99

Technically, you CAN use BOTH min and max with size to constrain both bounds of the number, but this effectively makes the size option redundant. It will work correctly, but if you remove the size constraint you'll still get the same exact range:

# Don't do this - size argument is redundant
junk :int, size: 3, min: 125, max: 440 # 125-440. size is now redundant.

Array / Enumerable

If you give junk an Array, Range, or any other object that implements Enumerable, it will select an element at random from the collection.

junk [1,3,5,7,9] # pick a 1-digit odd number
junk (1..5).map {|x| x*2-1 } # pick a 1-digit odd number while trying way too hard
junk (1..9).step(2) # pick a 1-digit odd number, but now I'm just showing off

IMPORTANT CAVEAT: the Enumerable forms all use .to_a.sample to get the random value, and .to_a will cheerfully exhaust all the memory Ruby has if you use it on a sufficiently large array.

LESS-IMPORTANT CAVEAT: Technically anything that can be converted to an array and then sampled can go through here, so words.split would do what you want, but remember that hashes get turned into an array of pairs, so expect this weirdness if you ask for it:

junk({a: 42, b: 13}) # either [:a, 42] or [:b, 13]


When all else fails, it's time to haul out the lambdas, amirite? The first argument ot junk can be a proc that yields the desired random value. Let's get those odd numbers again:

junk ->{ rand(5)*2 + 1 } # 1-digit odd number

Other Options


Besides the options that :int will take, all of the types will accept an exclude argument. This is useful if you want to generate more than one piece of junk data and ensure that they are different. The exclude option can be given a single element, an array, or an enumerable, and if all that fails you can give it a proc that accepts the generated value and returns true if the value should be excluded. Let's use all these excludes to generate odd numbers again:

junk :int, min: 1, max: 3, exclude: 2 # stupid, but it works
junk (1..9), exclude: [2,4,6,8]
junk (1..9), exclude: (2..8) # okay, only returns 1 or 9 but hey,
                             # they're both odd
junk :int, exclude: ->(x) { x % 2 == 0 } # reject even numbers

But again, the real advantage is being able to avoid collisions:

let(:id1) { junk (0..9) }
let(:id2) { junk (0..9), exclude: id1 }
let(:id3) { junk (0..9), exclude: [id1, id2] }

let(:coinflip) { junk :bool }
let(:otherside) { junk :bool, exclude: coinflip } # Look I never said
    # all of these were great ideas, I'm just saying you can DO them.

VERY IMPORTANT CAVEAT If you exclude all of the possibilities from the random key space, junk will cheerfully go into an infinite loop.


Size constrains the size of the output. It works differently depending on the type of junk:

  • Number of Digits: as documented above, junk :int, size: 4 will return a 4-digit number beginning with 1-9.
  • Number of Repetitions: For Enumerable and Array junk, where the value of the junk is obtained by picking an element at random, size will make junk return an array containing that many random selections. The same goes for proc, only it will be called that number of times. Note that excluders and formatters will be applied to each element of the array as well.


A format can be applied to junk data after generation. This lets you change the class or representation of the junk. For example, this feature was added because we needed 6-digit decimal ids... represented as strings. Originally I wrote

let(:drug_id) { junk( ->{ junk(:int, size: 6).to_s } ) }

But now I can just say

let(:drug_id) { junk(:int, size: 6, format: :string) }

Here are the available formats:

  • format: :int calls .to_i on the junk before returning it
  • format: :string calls .to_s on the junk
  • format: "%s" (or any other string) calls sprintf on the junk with the string as the format string
  • format: SomeClass passes the junk to SomeClass.new, returning an instance of SomeClass. Important: This class must implement a #format method which returns the formatted junk. See the ::RSpec::Junklet::Formatter class for an example class that simply returns the unmodified junk.
  • format: ->(x) { ... } passes the junk to your Proc; whatever you return is the value of the junk. This is obviously the most powerful transform as it can return anything at all; there's nothing stopping you from using the format proc as the generator itself aside from the constraints of good taste. ;-) If you were to exhibit poor taste, one conceivable (yet still very strained) example might be junk :int, format: ->(x) { srand(x); rand } but it's not really a very far stretch to generate, say, a random index in the generator and use the formatter to map it to a dictionary word or some other very wild transformation.

Formatter Classes

The careful reader will have noted by now that you can pass a class name as a format. This is intended to be a Formatter class. A Formatter class takes the generated junk in its initialize method. If the class implements #format, this method will be called and the return value of this method will be the junk data. If the class does not implement #format, the Formatter object itself will be returned and you can use it how you see fit. It's probably a good idea to implement #to_s if your formatter is going to wind up in a string somewhere.

So for example, let's say you want to generate a ZIP+4 code. That's a 5-digit decimal number, a hyphen, and a 4-digit decimal. This whole mess is then represented as a string. You could do this with a simple lambda:

let(:zip) { junk :int, size: 9, format: ->(x) { '%d-%d' % [x/10000, x%10000] } }

...but if you're going to be generating ZIP codes regularly, a formatter class is probably in order:

class Format::ZipCode
  attr_reader :code
  def initialize(code)
    @code = code

  def format
    '%d-%d' % [x/10000, x%10000]

Now your junk uses the class as designed:

let(:zip) { junk :int, size: 9, format: Format::ZipCode }

TODO: Hrm, if I'm going to do to that much trouble, why not have an entire junk generation class? E.g. include the generator with the formatter, so that we can just say

let(:zip) { junk ZipCode }


  • Allow all args to junk to be passed to junklet. Use explicit type option to specify the type. E.g. junklet :foo, :bar, :baz, type: :int, max: 14, exclude: [:qaz, :qux]. (Do we want to allow a flag for mutually exclusive?)


At CoverMyMeds we have a legacy impingement that prevents us sometimes from clearing out data from previous test runs. As a result we often have required fields in tests that must be unique but are tested elsewhere, so we don't really care about them in the current test run. For the current test we just want to stub out that field with something unique but we also want to communicate to the developer that the contents of the field are not what we currently care about.

Currently we do this with SecureRandom.uuid, so we'll see code like this frequently in RSpec:

let(:first_name) { SecureRandom.uuid }
let(:last_name) { SecureRandom.uuid }
let(:address) { SecureRandom.uuid }
let(:city) { SecureRandom.uuid }
let(:state) { SecureRandom.uuid }
let(:phone) { SecureRandom.uuid }

...etc. Later in the spec we'll often test against those stubs, e.g. with expect(user.first_name).to eq(first_name) but this idiom expresses that we only care about the equality, not the actual contents.

Junklet seeks to improve the readability and conciseness of this intention. One thing that bugs me about the above approach is that if a weird regression bug appears and an unimportant field is the source of a crash. So with Junklet I also wanted to add the ability to call out the offending field by name. In theory we could just write let(:first_name) { 'first_name-' + SecureRandom.uuid } but in practice that creates duplication in the code and muddies the original idiom of "uncared-about" data.

Enter Junklet:

junklet :first_name
junklet :last_name
junklet :address
junklet :city
junklet :state
junklet :phone

Or, if you don't want the junklets to sprawl vertically,

junklet :first_name, :last_name, :address, :city, :state, :phone

This will have the same effect as calling let on the named fields and setting the fieldname and a 32-byte hex string (a uuid with hyphens removed) to be the memoized value.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/junklet/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Write specs to document how your change is to be used
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request