
Fetch information about paragliding flights from alpine peaks.

Primary LanguageHTML

Hike&Fly Peaks Switzerland

Fetch information about paragliding flights from alpine peaks.

Map: https://dbrgn.github.io/hnf-peaks/


  • Bash
  • PostgreSQL + PostGIS
  • Python 3
  • The following Python packages: beautifulsoup4, psycopg2

1: Download OSM Data

This will download the OpenStreetMap database and extract all peaks with an elevation >1000m:

./1-load-osm-data.sh <country>

2: Query XContest

This will process all peaks and query XContest for the number of flights that launched from within 350 m around the peak:

export XCONTEST_USER=...
export XCONTEST_PASS=...
./2-query-xcontest.py <country>

The data will be written to a file called data-YYYY-MM-DD.csv.

WARNING: X-Contest does rate limiting, so unless you are whitelisted by them, you will probably get blocked after a while. Furthermore, do not run this command on the evening of a hammer day, choose a time when XContest is not busy.

3: Postprocess Data

To calculate some aggregations:

./3-postprocessing.py <data-in.csv> pilots <pilots-out.csv>

To generate GeoJSON from the data:

./3-postprocessing.py <data-in.csv> geojson <geojson-out.json>


  • Code: GPLv3 or later
  • Data: © OpenStreetMap contributors