
LaTeX base template used as a basis for all my TeX documents.

LaTeX base template

This is my custom LaTeX base template that I use when creating new documents. It loads some useful packages and creates a default structure.

The following .tex files are included:

  • preamble.tex: Documentclass and packages
  • header.tex: Header configuration using fancyhdr
  • title.tex: Title page and TOC
  • main.tex: The main file that pulls together all parts

Additionally, a LaTeX compatible .gitignore file and a useful Makefile are provided.

It is also recommended to create an alias for git diff --color-words:

$ git config alias.wdiff 'diff --color-words'

I might make this repository ready to be used as a submodule someday. Currently it's meant to be copy-pasted for each new project, in order to be able to make changes to the setup.