
A simple particle system library made with and for raylib. Works as header only library.

Primary LanguageC


Libpartikel is a header only particle system written in C99 with and for raylib. It is currently in a very early stage (alpha) and thus:

  • There will be bugs.
  • The API will most certainly change.
  • Feature requests and bug tickets are welcome.

LICENSE: zlib/libpng (see partikel.h)


Some examples of particle systems made with libpartikel recorded as 60fps GIFs.

Large files.. avoid to watch on mobile :)



Just have raylib installed on your system and copy partikel.h to your project and include it.

Run demo

Note: the cmake is currently only configured for Linux. If you can help with Mac or Windows just submit a pull request.


  1. git clone https://github.com/dbriemann/libpartikel.git
  2. cd libpartikel && mkdir build && cd build
  3. cmake .. -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  4. make
  5. ./demo


You are on your own at the moment, sorry.


You are on your own at the moment, sorry.


Currently the only documentation are the comments in the header file. Also demo.c can be used as inspiration.

Real documentation will follow as soon as I'm sure that the library will not have further API changes.

Plans for the future

  • Particle system editor built with raygui.