
Demo application for Symfony Messenger: User registration with invite code.

Primary LanguagePHP

Messenger Demo: Registration with invite code.

This demo application showcases Symfony's messenger component in a fictitious, but realistic usage scenario.

Please refer to the open Pull Requests to see the actual messenger implementation.


Users can register on http://localhost:8000/register with an email address, password and an invite code, they received from a previously registered user.

On successful registration a new account will be created, the invite code used for the registration will be marked as redeemed and a set of new invite codes will be generated.

Afterwards the user can login on http://localhost:8000/login and then see their invite codes on a dashboard, including the invite code status (open/redeemed).

The user who gave out the invite will be informed via email that their friend has registered.

In other words the workflow for registration consists of the following steps:

1. Check invite code, if it is still redeemable
2. Create new user
3. Redeem invite code used for registration
4. Create invite codes for new user
5. Send notification to invite code owner, that someone registered with one
   of their codes


  • Docker


  1. Clone the repository

    git clone git@github.com:dbrumann/invite-registration.git
  2. Set up development environment with Docker

    docker-compose up
  3. Install dependencies

    docker-compose exec app bash
    composer install
  4. Set up database and load fixtures

    docker-compose exec app bash
    php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
    php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
  5. Open browser
