This is a demo application.

Provides the following features:

  • Quickly register users without email confirmation
  • Log in with a previously registered user (email and password)
  • Dashboard shows all tasks lists
    • New lists can be created
    • Existing lists can be archived [todo]
    • Displayed lists can be filtered based on status (archived/active) [todo]
  • Detail view for lists showing their tasks
    • New tasks can be added to the list
    • Tasks can be closed and reopened

Installation (development)

  1. Clone repository

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies

    composer install 
  3. Start database

    docker-compose up -d
  4. Run tests (also sets up fixtures!)

    php bin/phpunit
  5. Start local web server

    symfony local:server:start --daemon
  6. Open app in browser: localhost:8000

Known issues

Database port is already in use

You can modify the assigned port by changing the docker-compose.yaml or providing a docker-compose.override.yaml that will not be committed with your remaining changes.

Using a local database instead of a service

When using a local database make sure to provide a proper DATABASE_URL env var or update the default value in .env. You might also want to adjust the config/packages/doctrine.yaml in case you are using a different server version, e.g. MySQL 5.7 or MariaDB.