##CacheManager for image
this is a cache tool, it will help you to create a cache system. and it will transform image from data on a attached thread using GCD.
get the image from cache by:
- (void)getImageWithUrl:(NSString*)url block:(MTNetCacheBlock)block;
and set image to the cache by:
- (void)setImage:(UIImage*)image withUrl:(NSString*)url;
- you can set the the autoCleanTime and autoClean to make cacheMnager auto clean the image too old.
MTNetCacheManager *cacheManager = [MTNetCacheManager defaultManager];
cacheManager.autoCleanTime = timeUpper(30);
cacheManager.autoClean = YES;
timeUpper(30) means 30 days.
and you can clean all the image which is before a time.
- (void)removeLocationCacheBefore:(NSDate*)date;
most time you will want to control the image in the memory.
- user maxSize the limit the space used in the memroy.
- cleanMemoryCache to clean all.
how to controll the space on the disk?
- saveLocationCacheInfo to save the index of the disk image.
- cleanLocationCache to clean to all image on the disk.
- locationUsed will return size of space used.