- 3
Configure custom command when using compare changes
#318 opened by calleo - 1
- 0
Add `compare_changes_flags` for dbt Cloud jobs
#341 opened by b-per - 5
Feature request - Force recreate of tokens on modification (old: Hitting a 400 error when adding new projects to an existing dbtcloud_service_token's service_token_permissions)
#343 opened by justbldwn - 1
- 7
dbtcloud_global_connection resource is not properly assigning the connection id when used in dbtcloud_environment resource.
#311 opened by akulasanthosh - 7
Feature: Partial environment variables
#295 opened by a-schot - 15
Error when updating token resource in 0.3.10
#280 opened by kpucynski - 7
Add Lint Capabilities to the dbtcloud_job resource
#310 opened by SteveFrensch - 1
- 1
Snowflake related resources always showing changes with "Warning: this attribute value will no longer be marked as sensitive"
#337 opened by ivica-k - 0
Linting in CI type job
#336 opened by sigveks - 1
Error: no schema available for module.dbt-jobs-utility.dbt_cloud_job.uat_job while reading state; this is a bug in Terraform and should be reported
#333 opened by prai-bv - 2
✨ Add Support for Importing dbtcloud_account_features Resource in Terraform
#331 opened by zak-hassan-dev - 3
- 1
Add support for global connections credentials for previous "adapter-style" connections
#307 opened by b-per - 1
Update docs to mention the new release tracks
#320 opened by b-per - 0
Add ability to define model level notifications
#319 opened by b-per - 1
Add support for configuring the Semantic Layer
#289 opened by b-per - 4
dbtcloud_job doesn't apply changes to scheduled_days when the schedule_type is custom_cron
#317 opened by osmus-leo - 2
dbtcloud_postgres_credential not providing correct value when in a for_each loop
#314 opened by Ssvenkerud - 4
Query history flag
#304 opened by jeremyyeo - 1
- 1
- 3
`dbtcloud_databricks_credential` should work with `dbtcloud_global_connection` that doesn't generate an `adapter_id`
#306 opened by Stevedow99 - 1
Environments -> The UI allows for override of the global connection defaults, but the TF resource does not
#303 opened by will-sargent-dbtlabs - 4
- 3
- 3
- 6
- 4
Support import for dbt_global_connection
#285 opened by bramrodenburg - 1
environment_id null when using dbtcloud_environments
#281 opened by Lusther - 2
Support for Global Connections
#267 opened by ernestoongaro - 6
Update on connections settings
#282 opened by jordiortegonvoi - 1
Add support for `on_warning` triggers for notifiations
#262 opened by b-per - 3
Provide data resources that allows to query all jobs from within a project and or environment
#274 opened by mlavaert - 1
The TF provider does not create a brand new connection if the dbt Cloud project was deleted manually from the UI
#271 opened by jeremyyeo - 0
Support for Environment Level RBAC Permissions
#266 opened by ernestoongaro - 2
- 5
- 2
- 2
- 1
Add ability to set up "run on merge" jobs
#252 opened by b-per - 1
- 13
`dbtcloud_job`: required key not provided
#245 opened by huy-nguyen26 - 2
- 0
`dbtcloud_environment_variable` doesn't work when updating values without destroying/recreating them
#241 opened by b-per - 0
- 5
- 2