
Terraform HTTP Backend implementation that uses Git repository as storage

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Terraform State management using Git

Git as Terraform backend? Seriously? I know, might sound like a stupid idea at first, but let me try to convince you why it's not always the case.

Table of Contents

Getting Started



Installation with Brew is coming later.

From Release

Download a binary from Releases. All binaries built with GitHub Actions and you can inspect how.

Don't forget to add it to your PATH.

From Sources

You can build it yourself, of course (and Go made it really easy):

go build github.com/plumber-cd/terraform-backend-git@${version}

Don't forget to add it to your PATH.


Assuming you've installed Terraform and this backend, you should be good to Go:

terraform-backend-git git \
  --repository git@github.com:my-org/tf-state.git \
  --ref master \
  --state my/state.json \
    terraform [any tf args] init|plan|apply [more tf args]

Your current working directory should be where you want to run terraform (your module). terraform-backend-git will act as a wrapper - it will start a backend, generate HTTP backend configuration pointing to that backend instance (it'll be an *.auto.tf file) and then call terraform accordingly to your input. After done it will cleanup any *.auto.tf it created. You shouldn't be having any other backend configurations in your TF code, otherwise it will fail with conflict.

You could also use terraform-backend-git.hcl config file and put it in the same directory, that would allow you to store configuration in Git along with your module:

git.repository = "git@github.com:my-org/tf-state.git"
git.ref = "master"
git.state = "my/state.json"

You can specify custom path to hcl config file using --config arg.

You can have a mixed setup, where some parts of configuration comes from terraform-backend-git.hcl and some from CLI arguments.

Alternatively, you could have more control over the process (for instance if you are using something like terragrunt). For that, you'll need to start terraform-backend-git in a background and configure your Terraform to point to it. In this scenario, all configuration for the backend will be coming from Terraform in a form of HTTP parameters.

Your Terraform backend configuration should be looking something like this:

terraform {
  backend "http" {
    address = "http://localhost:6061/?type=git&repository=git@github.com:my-org/tf-state.git&ref=master&state=my/state.json"
    lock_address = "http://localhost:6061/?type=git&repository=git@github.com:my-org/tf-state.git&ref=master&state=my/state.json"
    unlock_address = "http://localhost:6061/?type=git&repository=git@github.com:my-org/tf-state.git&ref=master&state=my/state.json"

Note that lock_address and unlock_address should be explicitly defined (both of them), otherwise Terraform will not make any locking or unlocking calls and assume that backend does not support locking and unlocking (how would locking be supported without unlocking?...).

Once you have your Terraform configured, you can start the backend in the background:

terraform-backend-git &

Now, just run Terraform and it will use the backend:

terraform init|plan|apply

When you're done, you'll want to stop the backend. It uses pid files, so you could stop it like this:

terraform-backend-git stop

Wrappers CLI

Command line format goes like this:

terraform-backend-git [any backend options] <storage type> [any storage options] <wrapper> [any sub-process arguments]

For instance:

terraform-backend-git --access-logs git --state my/state.json terraform -detailed-exitcode -out=plan.out

In this case, --access-logs was a global argument to the backend, git was a specific Storage Type and --state was an argument for it, and terraform was a wrapper name that will start terraform as a sub-process and any arguments to the wrapper will be passed to the sub-process as-is.

This is so we could have more Storage Types supported in the future as well as more wrappers to use with them (like terragrunt or terratest). Storage Type implementation would define how to store state, and Wrapper implementation defines how to run a sub-process (in terraform case we generate *.auto.tf files to define HTTP backend configuration).


CLI terraform-backend-git.hcl HTTP Description
--repository git.repository repository Required; Which repository to use for storing TF state?
--ref git.ref ref Optional; Which branch to use in that repository? Default: master.
--state git.state state Required; Path to the state file in that repository.
--config - - Optional; Path to the hcl config file.
--address address - Optional; Local binding address and port to listen for HTTP requests. Only change the port, do not change the address to before you read Running backend remotely. Default:
--access-logs accessLogs - Optional; Set to true to enable HTTP access logs on backend. Default: false.

Git Credentials

Both HTTP and SSH protocols are supported for Git. As of now, any sensitive type of configuration only supported via environment variables.

Variable Description
GIT_USERNAME Specify username for Git, only required for HTTP protocol.
GIT_PASSWORD/GITHUB_TOKEN Git password or token for HTTP protocol. In case of token you still have to specify GIT_USERNAME.
SSH_AUTH_SOCK ssh-agent socket.
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY Path to SSH key for Git access.
StrictHostKeyChecking Optional; If set to no, will not require strict host key checking. Somewhat more secure way of using Git in automation is to use ssh -T -oStrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new git@github.com before starting any automation.

Backend will determine which protocol you are using based on repository URL.

For SSH, it will see if ssh-agent is running by looking into SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable, and if not - it will need a private key. It will try to use ~/.ssh/id_rsa unless you explicitly specify a different path via SSH_PRIVATE_KEY.

Unfortunately go-git will not mimic real Git client and will not automatically pickup credentials from the environment, so this custom credentials resolver chain has been implemented since I'm lazy to research the "right" original Git client approach.

State Encryption

To enable state encryption, you can use TF_BACKEND_HTTP_ENCRYPTION_PASSPHRASE environment variable to set a passphrase. Backend will encrypt and decrypt (using AES256, server-side) all state files transparently before storing them in Git. If it fails to decrypt the file obtained from Git, it will assume encryption was not previously enabled and return it as-is. Note this doesn't encrypt the traffic at REST, as Terraform doesn't support any sort of encryption for HTTP backend. Traffic between Terraform and this backend stays unencrypted at all times.

Running backend remotely

First of all, DON'T DO IT.

It can be done, but again - DON'T DO IT.

Besides the fact that Terraform does not perform any encryption before sending the state to HTTP backend, there is also no authentication whatsoever. Running remotely accessible backend like this would not be secure - anyone who can make HTTP calls to it would be able to get, update or delete your state files with no credentials.

Make sure you do not open the port in your firewall for remote connections. By default it would start on port 6061 and would use as the binding address, so that nothing would be able to connect remotely. That would still not protect you from local loop interface traffic interception or spoofing (or even having a bad actor who already got the access to the host to send HTTP requests directly to the endpoint), but that's the best we can do for now, either until this implementation gets into Terraform as a native Backend implementation, or Backends become a pluggable options, or gRCP backend being implemented or Terraform adds some auth/encryption options to the HTTP backend protocol, or some other miracle.

You may get creative and use something like K8s Network Policies like calico, or wrap backend traffic into API Gateway or ServiceMesh like Istio to add encryption and authentication, and then and only then you will want to use option --address=:6061 so the backend will bind to and become remotely accessible.

Why not native Terraform Backend

Unfortunately, Terraform Backends is not pluggable like Providers are, see hashicorp/terraform#5877.

Due to this, I couldn't make a proper native Terraform backend implementation for Git on a side, it should be implemented and added to https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform code base. There is an open ticket to do it hashicorp/terraform#24603, but it is unclear when this would happen (if it will at all). That said I figured this HTTP backend implementation might be useful for now.

Why storing state in Git

So you must be wondering why storing Terraform state in Git might be such a good idea.

I often face the same chicken-egg issue, again and again and again... as I tend to manage ALL my infrastructure with Code (and usually it's Terraform), among the supported backend types none would exist before I create it. With code. Feel the problem?

Backend types that uses managed object storages (like s3) having the least amount of dependencies (i.e. no VPC and etc), so I usually was leaning towards using them, but even then the chicken-egg issue is still there. Usually I'm having some generic TF modules for my s3 and dynamodb implementations, that I use then as dependencies to my top-level root module that ultimately defines and manages my TF state backend. And I would usually apply it for a first time (bootstrapping) using a local state file, and then manually push that state to newly created backend. To make it fully automated, which is totally doable, it would require some amount of custom glue... and would cause complications for destroy/recreate type of operations. Applying (specifically, bootstrapping) this specific piece of infrastructure would require some custom logic specific to only that piece of infrastructure, and that logic cannot be packaged as a Terraform module. So, TL;DR: the problem is kinda still there, I just kinda learned how to live with it. Sounds familiar? Keep reading.

To throw more shit on the fan, I also use Terraform to manage my Git repositories (with GitHub or Bitbucket provider). It's an infrastructure too, after all. With proper structure and abstractions Terraform code alone may easily be over 50 repositories for even smallest projects, and managing repositories should not be a burden. I want every single repository to be unified and configured same way, i.e. access/protected branches/merging policies/etc. And often when I start a project, I don't have any infrastructure for it yet, I don't even have an AWS account or whatever yet, I just want to create a few initial repositories to start working on it. And then my choice as to the state management usually limited to a local state and committing that state to git. It's fine when I'm alone, but as soon as multiple people involved it gets complicated (things like manually "locking" the state via chat, fancy PR merging rules, and etc). And remember we don't even have any infra yet, so forget about CD and pipelines for now.

Of course there's Terraform Cloud/Enterprise addressing specifically that issue. A great product which I absolutely love, but honestly for a small projects, that doesn't need (yet?) any of that complex logic and fancy pipelines, just remote state management with locking - sounds like an expensive overhead. Besides at the beginning of a new project, maybe even a PoC that doesn't even guaranteed to stay for a long time, maybe even a PoC to prove Terraform is a right tool so no one really yet sold on the idea to buy anything for it, do you really think the very first and right thing to do should be to go through procurement and legal processes to get a contract signed with a 3rd party? Sounds like an obstacle and a yak shaving to me. Migrating Terraform state is a piece of cake so we can take care of that much later, when we need it.

One day I came to a simple conclusion. If I'm committing my Terraform state to git anyway (at least initially) - why not just fully embrace that concept and do it right? Split the state from the code, dedicate separate isolated Git repository just for the state, and use it transparently to the user - basically make Git a real Terraform backend. That would actually solve my chicken-egg problem.

Or, would it? Well, maybe not entirely, more like shift it elsewhere. Even if I don't have any infra yet - I surely do have some git server. If I'm about to produce some Terraform modules, I'm surely have some Git location to store them, reference them as dependencies from one another, etc... I'm surely have some space for my team to collaborate on these modules. It might be some public cloud service like GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket/CodeCommit/etc, or maybe it's a service within my Org that already existed elsewhere, like on-prem or whatever. Sure, technically, the chicken-egg problem isn't going completely away, sounds like a git server needs to be there for you somehow before you start, but c'mon what are the chances you don't have Git server at the start of a new infra project and you would need to setup it just for the sake of TF? Sounds like the chances are that problem would have been solved somehow way before you get to Terraform, so I would consider this approach a proper chicken-egg resolution for Terraform state management.

I'm not trying to make it look like this is the right and correct way for storing state files, it's probably not. But for the initial stages of the project just for the sake of solving that chicken-egg problem - it would do.

And then think about other engineers who doesn't have infrastructure or access to it, like application developers. They might want to use Terraform for something completely irrelevant to the infrastructure, there's hundreds of providers out there, what if they need to store a state and not ready to get into infra/pipelines management business? On the other side, everybody has access to git. Well, most of us likely do. So...

Proposed solution

Below is a proposal as to how a native Git backend implementation would look like in Terraform. This HTTP backend implements this proposal, so it would be easier to transfer the code at some point.

Consider a separate Git repository designated just for the Terraform state files. It is used as a backend, i.e. the fact it's a git repository is hidden from the user and considered an implementation detail. That means user scenarios doesn't involve interacting with this repository using Git clients. Git server access configuration would define who have access to manage the state, i.e. users will still need their Git credentials. If Git server access control capabilities isn't enough to meet security requirements, state files might be encrypted on backend, there would be no reason for them to be stored in open text in Git. Storing a state file would be as simple as committing and pushing it to the repository.

Theoretically the same repository with code can be also used as state management. But you are likely will want to use some branch protection and/or PRs, so this might work for your specific use case but is not recommended.

The backend configuration might be looking something like this:

terraform {
  backend "git" {
    repository = "git@github.com:my-org/tf-state.git?ref=master"
    file = "path/to/state.json"

State locking would be based on branches. The following implementation proposal for the state locking might sound little weird, but keep in mind as you read it that the aim was to avoid complex Git scenarios that would involve merging and conflict solving, like it wasn't complex enough to use Git as a Terraform state management backend to begin with. This proposal trying to keep local Git working tree fast-forwardable at all times. Git repository in subject is not meant to be used by people directly after all, so it's fine if we do not follow some Git common sense here.

To acquire a lock would mean to push a branch named locks/${file}. The branch would need to have a file ${file}.lock added and committed to it with the standard Terraform locking metadata. If pushing the branch fails with error saying that fast forward push is not possible, that would mean somebody else already acquired the lock. That would make a locking operation truly atomic. To check if the state currently locked is to see if the branch currently exists remotely. To read the information about the current lock, would mean to pull that branch and read the ${file}.lock. To unlock would mean to delete that remote branch.

To visualize and make it easier to understand, below is how the TF scenarios would translate into the command lines:


# Checkout current ref requested by user and cleanup any leftowers
git reset --hard
git checkout ${ref}
git branch -D locks/${file}
# Pull latest remote state
git pull origin ${ref}
# Start a new locking branch
git checkout -b locks/${file}
# Save lock metadata
echo ${lock} > ${file}.lock
git add ${file}.lock
git commit -m "Lock ${file}"
git push origin locks/${file}
# If push failed saying fast forward not possible - somebody else had it already locked


# Checkout current ref requested by user and cleanup any leftowers
git reset --hard
git checkout ${ref}
git branch -D locks/${file}
# Fetch locks
git fetch origin refs/heads/locks/*:refs/remotes/origin/locks/*
# Checkout the lock branch, if it fails - it wasn't locked
git checkout locks/${file}
# Check if it was locked by me
cat ${file}.lock


# Now it's a matter of deleting the lock branch remotely
git push origin --delete locks/${file}


# Checkout current ref requested by user and cleanup any leftowers
git reset --hard
git checkout ${ref}
# Pull latest
git pull origin ${ref}
# Read state
cat ${file}


# Checkout current ref requested by user and cleanup any leftowers
git reset --hard
git checkout ${ref}
# Pull latest
git pull origin ${ref}
# Save state
echo ${state} > ${file}
git add ${file}
git commit -m "Update ${file}"
git push origin ${ref}


# Checkout current ref requested by user and cleanup any leftowers
git reset --hard
git checkout ${ref}
# Pull latest
git pull origin ${ref}
# Delete state
git rm -f ${file}
git commit -m "Delete ${file}"
git push origin ${ref}