
🔊 Deno native audio duration for MP3 / M4A / M4B (no dependencies)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🔊 Deno Audio Duration

Get the millisecond duration of audio files in pure Deno flavoured JavaScript. Currently MP3 / M4A / M4B formats are supported.


import {duration} from 'https://deno.land/x/deno_audio_duration@v0.1.0/mod.ts';

const ms = await duration('/path/to/audio.mp3');

The duration function will detect audio formats based on the file extension. Import and use mp3Duration and m4aDuration to bypass this detection.

Other Solutions

If this module is insufficient use another tool with Deno.Command:

With ffprobe:

ffprobe -loglevel quiet -show_format -print_format json audio.mp3

With exiftool:

exiftool -j -Duration audio.mp3

For example:

const stat = await Deno.stat(entry.path);
const command = new Deno.Command('exiftool', {
  args: ['-j', '-Duration', `${entry.path}`]
const {stdout} = await command.output();
const json = JSON.parse(
  new TextDecoder().decode(stdout)

You'll need to parse the output.


MIT License

MIT License | Copyright © 2023 David Bushell | @dbushell