
A sample application that marries Spring Boot with Clojure.

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

Clojure 与 SpringBoot

Clojure 使用 SpringBoot

新建 maven 工程

pom 配置:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">


  <description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>

    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->








| |____clojure
| | |____org
| | | |____brinman2002
| | | | |____app
| | | | | |____Application.clj
| | | | | |____service
| | | | | | |____SimpleService.clj
| |____java
| | |____org
| | | |____brinman2002
| | | | |____app
| | | | | |____controller
| | | | | | |____JavaBasedController.java
| | | | | |____domain
| | | | | | |____Player.java
| | | | | |____service
| | | | | | |____PlayerRepository.java
| |____resources
| | |____application.properties

项目源代码: https://github.com/universsky/springboot-clj


在使用 Clojure 与 SpringBoot 混合开发的过程中,发现代码不太优雅,显得不伦不类,蹩脚的代码.没有 Scala 与 SpringBoot 融合的那么优雅.



package com.springboot.in.action

import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication

class AppConfig

package com.springboot.in.action

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication

object LightSwordApplication extends App {


(ns org.brinman2002.app.Application
  (:import (org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure SpringBootApplication)
           (org.springframework.boot SpringApplication)

  :name ^{SpringBootApplication []} org.brinman2002.app.Application
  :main true)

(defn -main
  (SpringApplication/run (Class/forName "org.brinman2002.app.Application") (into-array String '())))

看到那么多的 ^, [], () ,还有java 类的冗长的全路径代码.有点迷乱.

写个 Controller


(ns org.brinman2002.app.service.SimpleService
  (:import (org.springframework.web.bind.annotation RestController RequestMapping RequestMethod)
           (org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation Autowired)
           (org.brinman2002.app.service PlayerRepository)))

;; Class definition

  :name ^{RestController {} 
          RequestMapping {:value ["lightsword"]} } org.brinman2002.app.service.SimpleService
  :methods [[^{RequestMapping {:value ["greet"] :method [RequestMethod/GET]}} greet [] Object ]
            [^{RequestMapping {:value ["greet2"] :method [RequestMethod/GET]}} greet2 [] Object ]
            [^{RequestMapping {:value ["getResult"] :method [RequestMethod/GET]}} getResult [] Object]
            [^{Autowired {}} setPlayerRepository [org.brinman2002.app.service.PlayerRepository] void]]
  :state injected
  :init init)

;; Business logic functions


;; Class method implementations
(defn -init 
  "Initialize the class by setting the state to an empty map, which can be populated with injected dependencies."
  [[] (atom {})])

(defn -setPlayerRepository
  "Setter for player repository.  This stores the instance in the state of the object."
  [this repo]
  (swap! (.injected this) assoc-in [:player-repo] repo))

;; Response types

(defrecord Address [^String street
                    ^String city])

(defrecord GreetResponse [^String person
                          ^String stuff
                          ^long id
                          ^Address address])

(defrecord TestResult [
                       ^long id
                       ^int testSuiteId
                       ^String name
                       ^String actualOutput
                       ^int state

(defn -greet
  "Handler for the /lightsword/greet resource using defrecord."
  (GreetResponse. "Jack" "Software Engineer" 12345 (Address. "蒋村花园如意苑" "杭州")))

  ;(str "This is a greeting " (:player-repo @(.injected this) )))

(defn -greet2
  "Handler for the /lightsword/greet2 resource using maps. This actually doesn't seem to work; it throws an ArityException because Spring seems to treat it as a Callable instead of a JSON-able object."
  {:test "This is a test" :of "returning raw maps"})

(defn -getResult
  (TestResult. 1001 2 "登陆测试用例" "{\"sucesss\":true}" 1))

但是相比 Scala 与 Java 的融合,毕竟 Clojure 离 OOP 是有点远的.所以代码看起来不是那么的优雅.

package com.springboot.in.action.controller

import java.util.Date

import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.{RequestMapping, RequestParam, RestController}

 * Created by jack on 16/6/24.
 * 系统内部测试用

class HelloController {

  def greeting(@RequestParam(value="name", defaultValue="LightSword")  name: String) = {
    val now = new Date
    val content =  "Hello, " + name + "! Now is: " + now

    val json = new JSONObject
    json.put("conent", content)


