Anystyle service

(forked from PagedJS service)

The service

This standalone service exposes the functionality of converting an html file into pdf and also preview of an html file via using the pagedjs previewer. The API offered is as follows:

  • POST /api/auth
  • POST /api/htmlToPDF
  • GET /api/getPreviewerLink
  1. As this service is meant to be from many clients, the first endpoint allows clients to acquire their access tokens in order to be able to use the service*. A call to the api/auth endpoint considered valid if it contains the Authorization header with value Basic base64encoded(clientId:clientSecret).
    The response of a valid call to the api/auth will return an accessToken** (JWT)
  2. A call to the api/htmlToPDF in order to be considered valid should have the Authorization property in its headers with value Bearer <the value of an accessToken provided by this service>. The property Content-Type should be multipart/form-data and finally the body should contain the actual html file under a form field called zip. Additional body options are imagesForm and onlySourceStylesheet. The imagesForm should be set to base64 if the included images in the HTML content are encoded in base64 format. The onlySourceStylesheet option should be set to true if the calling application requires only the provided stylesheet to be included in the conversion to PDF process (without this flag two additional stylesheets are included by default, one of the highlight.js library and one for the katex.js library) The response of this endpoint will be a file stream containing the actual pdf file which was created or a JSON if any errors occurred.
  3. A call to the api/getPreviewerLink in order to be considered valid should have the Authorization property in its headers with value Bearer <the value of an accessToken provided by this service>. The property Content-Type should be multipart/form-data and finally the body should contain a zip file which will have the html which should be previewed, a css file and possible any font files referenced in the css file. The response of this endpoint will be a JSON object with one property call link which will present the link of the html preview in pagedjs, or a msg property if any errors occurred

*client's registration required beforehand
**the life span of an accessToken is 8 hours

Starting the service

The service is fully dockerized for ease of use for either development or for use in production.


In the root of the service run docker-compose up
This container includes the actual service as well as a Postgres DB


In the root of the service run docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml up This container contains just the service. An external Postgres DB should be provided.

Required env variables


All the above are required

Creating client's credentials

When the service is up by executing docker exec -it <name_of_the_pagedjs_server_container> yarn create:client.
The above will produce a valid pair of clientId and clientSecret

dan notes

--to check if it's running, GET localhost:3000/healthcheck --to get an access token, POST localhost:3000/api/auth with basic auth + username/password from createServiceClient.js --once you have an auth token, POST localhost:3000/info will get info

--to make this work, POST localhost:3000/api/referencesToXml with txt as a text file and access token as bearer token