- Original PDF source: https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/handle/2027.42/58233
- Tempo upload: https://archive.org/details/historical-gazetteer-of-southeast-asia
- accents checked through end of M, p. 64
- Move this to DSG:
- Make a page of all names that have lat/longs
- Make a map component
word |--id, unique ID (string) |--index, index in original list (number) |--original, the original entry (string) |--headWord, the head word (string) |--primary, if it's an entry or a reference (boolean, true if entry) |--rawLat, raw latitude (string) if it exists |--rawLong, raw longitude (string) if it exists |--rest, currently all of the entry except for the head word (string)