
The children's game Telephone recreated with Twilio

Primary LanguageRuby

Twilio Telephone Game

This game is a recreation of the traditional children’s game, Telephone, but using Twilio. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_whispers

It was written by @JonMarkGo for his workshop at Code Academy in Chicago

How to Run

  1. heroku create –stack cedar mygameurl

  2. heroku config:add account_sid=YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID auth_token=YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN telephone_number=YOUR_TWILIO_NUMBER (make sure YOUR_TWILIO_NUMBER is in the format +16461234567)

  3. git push heroku master

  4. heroku run rake db:migrate

  5. Set your Twilio SMS URL for the number that you entered to ‘mygameurl.herokuapp.com/messenger/sms’ and the method to POST

  6. All set to play!

How to Play

  1. To start a game, TXT “new NAME” to your Twilio phone number

  2. Your friends can then TXT “NAME GAMEID” to the same number (you will get the game id upon successful creation of a game)

  3. Once all of your friends have joined, TXT “start” to the number

  4. ???

  5. FUN!