
Fork of OCaml code for Compiler Construction course at University of Cambridge

Primary LanguageOCaml

Slang with extra features I wrote

I messed around with the compiler to implement the following features:

  • nested comments
  • line comments (thank you Emma Holliday for the help)
  • integer division /
  • integer modulo %
  • high precedence, left associative unambiguous function application
    • allows if ... then ... else <fun> <args> without end
  • removed end for if-else expressions
  • short-circuit evaluation for && and ||
  • removed end from lambda-expressions
  • removed end from case-expression
  • added declaration lists (as a derived form, allowing me to remove a bunch of lets and ends)
  • added pattern-matching for product types
  • added rudimentary type inference (thank you James Clarke for helping out)
  • hence removed type annotations (except for inl and inr where it is necessary)
  • removed need for parentheses around identifiers as patterns

The code is probably not the best/actual way a lot of these features would be implemented but it was fun (and very distracting/addictive) to make these changes.

Type inference uses references and mutability all over the place. Algorithm W seems like it would be worth a shot at some point.


This complete rewrite, at its essence, passes a reference to an expected type down (a synthesised attribute) which is unified/constrained depending on the expression being typed.