- 0
Removing spam accounts does not work
#333 opened - 3
Account validation
#332 opened - 1
Dataset Browser Improvements
#262 opened by jimdowling - 1
Display a when selecting a DataSet.
#419 opened by tkakantousis - 1
Null pointer exception same project name etc
#425 opened by jsvhqr - 2
Modal view not updating on model changes
#946 opened by fabiankirstein - 0
Create project does not return ID
#947 opened by fabiankirstein - 2
Projects quota seem to only count upwards
#933 opened by Tha-Robert - 0
Removing dataset too easy, browsing too hard.
#782 opened by martisak - 1
EOFException when retrieving files from HDFS
#427 opened by tkakantousis - 0
removing project without removing datasets causes shared datasets to be orphaned
#316 opened by jsvhqr - 0
Upload dialog: Internet Explorer 11
#296 opened by jimdowling - 1
heatmap for Dr Elephant
#320 opened by jimdowling - 1
ProjectPaymentsHistory More than one result was returned from Query.getSingleResult()
#264 opened by ErmiasG - 0
- 0
Pre-loaded Project and DataSets
#263 opened by jimdowling - 0
Data Center Contact Emails
#265 opened by jimdowling - 3
Yubikey multiple usage of OTPs
#303 opened - 1
no warning page when DB is not working
#318 opened by jimdowling - 1
File Importers for S3, URLs
#297 opened by jimdowling - 0
fix growl positions
#327 opened by ErmiasG - 1
support for home user
#480 opened by jackyq2015 - 0
Cannot remove yourself from a project
#389 opened by jimdowling - 1
Add "select all" option in datasets browser
#291 opened by kerkinos - 0
- 1
Datasets multiple file selection
#424 opened by tkakantousis - 0
Display schema of Kafka topic
#429 opened by tkakantousis - 0
Error message for Kafka schema deletion
#423 opened by tkakantousis - 1
File preview Head/Tail option
#426 opened by tkakantousis - 0
Cannot share a dataset if you already have full access to a dataset in a different project
#280 opened by jimdowling - 1
- 0
New Consents in Admin UI not updating with Ajax
#258 opened by jimdowling - 0
Make username descriptive
#306 opened by ErmiasG - 1
Can't create regular project
#312 opened by jsvhqr - 1
Progress for new jobs is NaN
#324 opened by tkakantousis - 0
failed authentication
#337 opened by jimdowling - 1
saving job creation state and restoring it when you navigate away and back to jobs
#399 opened by jimdowling - 0
Pluggable policies for creating projects
#398 opened by jimdowling - 0
Broken project
#339 opened by berthoug - 2
upload json file to dataset
#340 opened by berthoug - 1
NPE for jobs without arguments
#354 opened by berthoug - 0
Max disk size quota limited to 100G
#355 opened by berthoug - 1
- 0
- 0
user reappear after being deleted
#286 opened by ErmiasG - 1
Lost Emails
#315 opened by jimdowling - 0
Data Owner - rename to Data Controller
#282 opened by jimdowling - 1
Zeppelin YARN Concurrency Modification Error
#275 opened by jimdowling - 0
Undo buttons
#261 opened by jimdowling - 0
Cookies used on website warning
#259 opened by jimdowling