
This repository holds slides, code examples and instructions for our session at EclipseCon Europe 2013 in Ludwigsburg 29.10.2013 9-12Uhr : "Bringing M2M to the web with Paho: Connecting Java Devices and online dashboards with MQTT"

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bringing M2M to the web with Paho

In this repository are all files concerning our Session at EclipseCon Europe 2013 in Ludwigsburg.

For attendees

In order to get our feet off the ground quickly at the session, please prepare the following things before you come to EclipseCon:

  1. Make sure you have Java installed (Just for the record ;) )

  2. Ensure that you have a web browser that supports Websockets! You can find it out here.

  3. Install HiveMQ MQTT Broker on your machine

    • Download our prepared archive (includes websockets configuration and MQTT Message Log plugin)

    • Unzip

    • Start HiveMQ

      • Windows:

        • Double click on bin/run.bat in the extracted folder

      • Linux/BSD/MacOSX:

        • Open Terminal and change to the extracted folder

        • chmod 755 bin/run.sh

        • ./bin/run.sh

    • Verify that you see HiveMQ starting with the following output:

      2013-10-23 13:08:04,416 INFO  - Starting on all interfaces and port 1883
      2013-10-23 13:08:04,424 INFO  - Starting with Websockets support on all interfaces and port 8000
      2013-10-23 13:08:04,425 INFO  - Loaded Plugin HiveMQ MQTT Message Log Plugin - v1.0.0
      2013-10-23 13:08:04,427 INFO  - Started HiveMQ 1.4.1 in 6371ms
  4. Install Eclipse Kepler JavaEE Version from the Eclipse Download Page

  5. Monitor this repository. We will upload the slides and the examples we use in the tutorial at the end of the week. Make sure you download these before coming to our session.

  6. We have a waiting list for the session. Please clarify any questions regarding, if you can attend or not, directly with Eclipse.

We wish you a productive week and looking forward to seeing all of you next Tuesday.

Best regards,

Dominik (@dobermai) & Christian (@goetzchr)