
create customized, print-worthy maps of graveyard & cemetery guides for anywhere in the world

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A graphql server and associated python code to create nice-looking list-maps of the graveyards in a bounding box. Here's an example, from boston:


To create your own map of another area, either use the python code itself (example in notebooks/), or leverage the graphql api, described below

pip install -r requirements.txt
cd server/ && python server.py

Then, navigate to, and put in a query, like this:

mutation {
    xmin: -71.1929535654
    xmax: -70.9781663877
    ymax: 42.4024328423
    ymin: 42.2912856611
    mapType: LEGEND
    nGraveyards: SMALL
  ) {
  • mapType: LEGEND or NOLEGEND. describes if you want the names of the cemeteries on the bottom.
  • nGraveyards: SMALL, MEDIUM, or LARGE. Describes how many cemeteries you'd like to include in the map. It prioritizes larger cemeteries first, so a SMALL map will have only a few, very major cemeteries.