
An R package for estimating attitude polarization in complex survey data settings

Primary LanguageR



This package makes it easy to apply various measures of attitude polarization to large numbers of ordered ratings scales in complex survey data. The two main functions are polarize_assoc and polarize_distr, which return key associational and distributional statistics, respectively. The package also introduces some extensions to the survey package, enabling the incorporation of complex design features into the estimation of statistics commonly used to measure attitude polarization:

  • svykurt calculates kurtosis.
  • svyskew calculates standardized skewness.
  • svyextremism calculates the proportion of extreme responses on ordered ratings scales with different lengths.

Additionally, two helper functions make it easier to prepare data prior to calculating polarization: filter_scale_length returns ordered ratings scales that meet a minimum threshold of unique values, which is useful for statistics that require a certain scale length; spread_pairs takes a name-value key and spreads these columns across unique pairs of observations, making it easier to estimate the association between responses on different survey items.


The package can be installed directly from GitHub.



Data prerequisites

Apart from the svykurt, svyskew, and svyextremism, which are general extensions to the survey package and designed to be called like any other function from that package, polaRized expects data to be stacked in a longer format. There should be a single value column or (for associational measures of polarization) pair of value columns containing observations across groups. The built-in data set (toydata) comes in this format.


#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#>      id group party_cat party_ord att_name  att_val weight
#>   <dbl> <chr> <chr>         <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1     1 them  left              6 att2val        NA   1.86
#> 2     1 them  left              6 att4val         1   1.86
#> 3     1 them  left              6 att5val         2   1.86
#> 4     1 them  left              6 att10val        7   1.86
#> 5     1 them  left              6 att11val        8   1.86
#> 6     1 them  left              6 att100val      55   1.86

It has $n \times p$ rows recording the $nth$ respondent’s rating on attitude item $p$. These values are stored in the name-value pair, att_name and att_val. The two main functions in polaRized are designed to iterate over the att_name column, calculating statistics related to polarization using values in the att_val column.

Describing attitude polarization using the polaRized package

There are two common approaches to measuring attitude polarization in public opinion research: distributional and associational. These are the unifying themes of the main functions implemented in this package: polarize_distr and polarize_assoc.

Distributional measures and polarize_distr

Many studies summarize polarization through aspects of the distribution of public opinion surrounding political issues, such as the dispersion, multimodality, and extremism in attitudes (e.g., Adams, Green, and Milazzo 2012; DiMaggio, Evans, and Bryson 1996; Cohen and Cohen 2021). The polarize_distr function provides many options for calculating these quantities, including the variance, standard deviation, interquartile range, kurtosis, and the proportion of extreme responses on ordered ratings scales. It can also return other statistics that do not directly measure distributional states of polarization but are useful for interpreting changes in these states, i.e., the mean, median, and skewness. Finally, the function also accepts methods for estimating consensus and disagreement on ordered rating scales from the the agrmt package, like van der Eijk’s (2001) agreement A.

Many of these statistics are sensitive to scale length or only make sense when a scale has so many unique values. The variance and standard deviation depend on the central tendency of a distribution, which is problematic for very short scales where values are likely to be clustered at one extreme. In some cases, the polarize_distr function fails when provided scales below a certain length. For instance, the svyextremism function from this package will not accept attitude items with fewer than four unique values, whereas van der Eijk’s agreement A defines polarization by disaggregating response frequencies into “triples” deviating from or conforming to unimodality.1 To help meet these requirements, polaRized includes a helper function designed to filter out attitude scales below a user-defined threshold: filter_scale_length. The default is to subset items with four or more unique values.

#> [1] 7

# Remove the binary att2val variable from toydata
filtered_data <- filter_scale_length(
  scale_names = att_name, 
  scale_values = att_val, 
  min_scale_length = 4

#> [1] 6

Then it is safe to request any distributional measure from the polarize_distr function. Hence, to get the standard deviation in attitudes by item:

  value = att_val,
  measure = "std",
  by = att_name
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   att_name  att_val_std
#>   <chr>           <dbl>
#> 1 att100val       29.0 
#> 2 att101val       29.4 
#> 3 att10val         2.90
#> 4 att11val         3.11
#> 5 att4val          1.09
#> 6 att5val          1.42

The resulting output shows that the standard deviation is larger among longer ratings scales. If the goal is to compare the magnitude of these statistics across items with heterogeneous scale lengths, we can normalize on the fly using the rescale_0_1 argument.

  value = att_val,
  measure = "std",
  by = att_name,
  rescale_0_1 = TRUE
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   att_name  att_val_std
#>   <chr>           <dbl>
#> 1 att100val       0.292
#> 2 att101val       0.294
#> 3 att10val        0.322
#> 4 att11val        0.311
#> 5 att4val         0.364
#> 6 att5val         0.356

The by argument accepts multiple grouping variables, which is useful for comparing polarization in different populations:

  value = att_val,
  measure = "std",
  by = c(att_name, group),
  rescale_0_1 = TRUE
#> # A tibble: 12 × 3
#>    att_name  group att_val_std
#>    <chr>     <chr>       <dbl>
#>  1 att100val them        0.289
#>  2 att100val us          0.297
#>  3 att101val them        0.295
#>  4 att101val us          0.293
#>  5 att10val  them        0.322
#>  6 att10val  us          0.323
#>  7 att11val  them        0.313
#>  8 att11val  us          0.310
#>  9 att4val   them        0.364
#> 10 att4val   us          0.363
#> 11 att5val   them        0.357
#> 12 att5val   us          0.354

Leaving it NULL smooths across any grouping information contained in the data, resulting in a single value.

  value = att_val,
  measure = "std",
  rescale_0_1 = TRUE
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>   att_val_std
#>         <dbl>
#> 1       0.281

Associational measures and polarize_assoc

Distributional properties of polarization are intuitive, but much discussion of mass disagreement on political issues centers on associational measures (e.g., Baldassarri and Gelman 2008). For instance, partisan polarization on a political issue is the extent to which attitudes towards that issue are associated with partisanship. It is thus common to measure it using the Pearson correlation coefficient, especially in two-party cases such as the United States (Fiorina and Abrams 2008). The built-in data for this package includes an ordinal party variable similar to the scale used to measure the strength of party identification in the US.

#> [1]  6  4  1 NA  2  5  7  3

We can use the polarize_assoc function to get the Pearson correlation between this variable and attitudes on the different scales, setting the r_or_r2 argument to “r”.

ap_r <- polarize_assoc(
  value_1 = att_val,
  value_2 = party_ord,
  r_or_r2 = "r",
  by = att_name

#> # A tibble: 7 × 2
#>   att_name         r
#>   <chr>        <dbl>
#> 1 att100val  0.00567
#> 2 att101val  0.0297 
#> 3 att10val   0.0114 
#> 4 att11val  -0.0442 
#> 5 att2val   -0.0155 
#> 6 att4val    0.00783
#> 7 att5val   -0.00154

Many other countries have more than two large political parties, which are not necessarily ordered on a single dimension. This makes it difficult to measure partisan polarization without assuming that political disagreement operates along a left-right ideological continuum. However, Caldwell, Cohen, and Vivyan (2023) introduce a novel extension to associational measures of polarization that does not require this assumption. The $R^2$ from a linear regression model is the square of the correlation between observed and predicted outcomes. Given an OLS model predicting attitudes towards an issue from partisanship, it thus measures the extent to which different partisans hold different positions on that issue.

This approach to measuring polarization is implemented by setting the r_or_r2 argument to “r2” in the polarize_assoc function.

ap_r2 <- polarize_assoc(
  value_1 = att_val,
  value_2 = party_ord,
  r_or_r2 = "r2",
  by = att_name

#> # A tibble: 7 × 3
#>   att_name          r2    adj_r2
#>   <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1 att100val 0.0000322  -0.000551
#> 2 att101val 0.000883    0.000300
#> 3 att10val  0.000130   -0.000500
#> 4 att11val  0.00195     0.00133 
#> 5 att2val   0.000240   -0.000662
#> 6 att4val   0.0000613  -0.000668
#> 7 att5val   0.00000236 -0.000698

The output returns the $R^2$ and adjusted $R^2$ from OLS models nested by any grouping information specified in the by argument.2 These statistics should be very similar to the absolute value of the square of the correlation coefficient.

ap_r |> 
  dplyr::mutate(r_raised = r^2) |> 
#> # A tibble: 7 × 5
#>   att_name         r   r_raised         r2    adj_r2
#>   <chr>        <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1 att100val  0.00567 0.0000322  0.0000322  -0.000551
#> 2 att101val  0.0297  0.000883   0.000883    0.000300
#> 3 att10val   0.0114  0.000130   0.000130   -0.000500
#> 4 att11val  -0.0442  0.00195    0.00195     0.00133 
#> 5 att2val   -0.0155  0.000240   0.000240   -0.000662
#> 6 att4val    0.00783 0.0000613  0.0000613  -0.000668
#> 7 att5val   -0.00154 0.00000236 0.00000236 -0.000698

The intended use case of the $R^2$ approach is to measure the extent of association between attitudes and unordered party values. Consider the party_cat variable in the internal data set, which measures support for four parties on two dimensions.

#> [1] "character"
#> [1] "left"         "right"        "liberal"      "conservative" NA

To measure partisan polarization across these dimension, we pass party_cat to the value_2 argument of the polarize_assoc function.

  value_1 = att_val,
  value_2 = party_cat,
  r_or_r2 = "r2",
  by = att_name
#> # A tibble: 7 × 3
#>   att_name        r2    adj_r2
#>   <chr>        <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1 att100val 0.00487   0.00300 
#> 2 att101val 0.000654 -0.00122 
#> 3 att10val  0.00478   0.00275 
#> 4 att11val  0.00257   0.000555
#> 5 att2val   0.00198  -0.000911
#> 6 att4val   0.00313   0.000765
#> 7 att5val   0.00352   0.00128

Behind the scenes, polarize_assoc fits OLS models predicting value_1 from $n-1$ dummy variables for the groups in value_2. It is thus important to use the value_2 argument for unordered categorical predictors. However, in cases where both value columns have a numeric class, the direction of this relationship does not affect the $R^2$ statistics returned.

ap_r2 |> 
  dplyr::rename(att_party_r2 = r2) |>
  dplyr::select(-adj_r2) |>
      value_1 = party_ord,
      value_2 = att_val,
      r_or_r2 = "r2",
      by = att_name
    ) |> 
  dplyr::rename(party_att_r2 = r2) |>
#> # A tibble: 7 × 3
#>   att_name  att_party_r2 party_att_r2
#>   <chr>            <dbl>        <dbl>
#> 1 att100val   0.0000322    0.0000322 
#> 2 att101val   0.000883     0.000883  
#> 3 att10val    0.000130     0.000130  
#> 4 att11val    0.00195      0.00195   
#> 5 att2val     0.000240     0.000240  
#> 6 att4val     0.0000613    0.0000613 
#> 7 att5val     0.00000236   0.00000236

Another application for associational measures is the correlation between attitudes on pairs of political issues, which is commonly used to capture ideological polarization (e.g., Baldassarri and Gelman 2008; Caldwell 2022; Munzert and Bauer 2013). The polaRized package includes a helper function to get data like toydata into the format required by the polarize_assoc function.

paired_toydata <- spread_pairs(
  name_key = att_name, 
  value_key = att_val, 
  other_keys = c(id, group)

#> # A tibble: 44,000 × 6
#>    att_name1 att_val1    id group att_name2 att_val2
#>    <chr>        <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>        <dbl>
#>  1 att2val         NA     1 them  att4val          1
#>  2 att2val         NA     1 them  att5val          2
#>  3 att2val         NA     1 them  att10val         7
#>  4 att2val         NA     1 them  att11val         8
#>  5 att2val         NA     1 them  att100val       55
#>  6 att2val         NA     1 them  att101val       57
#>  7 att4val          1     1 them  att5val          2
#>  8 att4val          1     1 them  att10val         7
#>  9 att4val          1     1 them  att11val         8
#> 10 att4val          1     1 them  att100val       55
#> # ℹ 43,990 more rows

The spread_pairs function spreads a name-value key across unique pairs of observations, so that the two resulting value columns can be used to calculate associational measures of polarization by observed combinations of attitude item.

  value_1 = att_val1,
  value_2 = att_val2,
  r_or_r2 = "r",
  by = c(att_name1, att_name2)
#> # A tibble: 21 × 3
#>    att_name1 att_name2        r
#>    <chr>     <chr>        <dbl>
#>  1 att100val att101val -0.0181 
#>  2 att10val  att100val -0.0694 
#>  3 att10val  att101val  0.0126 
#>  4 att10val  att11val   0.00243
#>  5 att11val  att100val -0.0234 
#>  6 att11val  att101val -0.0316 
#>  7 att2val   att100val -0.00673
#>  8 att2val   att101val  0.0365 
#>  9 att2val   att10val   0.0414 
#> 10 att2val   att11val   0.00482
#> # ℹ 11 more rows

Use of the survey package

polaRized is designed to work through the survey package. What polarize_distr and polarize_assoc do is iterate over groups supplied to the by argument and calculate statistics on individual survey.design objects. Both functions take many arguments from survey::svydesign as implemented in the srvyr package, which is to say that these arguments do not need to be supplied in formula syntax (i.e., “~ ”). The internal data set includes an artificial weight column to demonstrate this feature, but more complex survey designs can be specified by replacing the defaults in other survey::svydesign arguments.

  value = att_val,
  measure = "std",
  by = att_name,
  ids = NULL,
  probs = NULL,
  strata = NULL,
  fpc = NULL,
  weights = weight,
  nest = FALSE
#> # A tibble: 7 × 2
#>   att_name  att_val_std
#>   <chr>           <dbl>
#> 1 att100val      28.8  
#> 2 att101val      29.5  
#> 3 att10val        2.89 
#> 4 att11val        3.12 
#> 5 att2val         0.500
#> 6 att4val         1.09 
#> 7 att5val         1.41

Because polarize_distr and polarize_assoc are designed to iterate over survey design objects nested by attitude items and other grouping information, polaRized includes some extensions to the survey package that make it easier to calculate certain statistics. For instance, the documentation for survey::svycontrast shows how to estimate standardized skewness on a variable.

dclus1 <- svydesign(id = ~dnum, weights = ~pw, data = apiclus1, fpc = ~fpc)

moments <- svymean(~I(api00^3) + I(api00^2) + I(api00), dclus1)
    (`I(api00^3)` - 3 * `I(api00^2)` * `I(api00)` + 3 * `I(api00)` * `I(api00)`^2 - `I(api00)`^3) / (`I(api00^2)` - `I(api00)`^2)^1.5
#>              nlcon     SE
#> contrast -0.014253 0.2781

Programmatically, this approach is labour-intensive and (because it involves quoting names containing back ticks) difficult. Hence, the polaRized package includes a wrapper to get the standardized skewness coefficient on variables in a survey design.

svyskew(~api00, design = dclus1)
#>        skewness     SE
#> api00 -0.014253 0.2781

Based on advice from the survey package author, Thomas Lumley, another function extends this approach to return kurtosis.

svykurt(~api00, design = dclus1, excess = FALSE)
#>       kurtosis     SE
#> api00   2.1449 0.2113

Following Stuart and Ord (1994, Ch. 3), svykurt writes the variance and fourth central moment in terms of raw moments, then it uses survey::svycontrast to transform into kurtosis.

moments <- svymean(~api00 + I(api00^2) + I(api00^3) + I(api00^4), dclus1)

central_moments <- svycontrast(
    mu4 = quote(
      -3 * api00^4 + 6 * api00^2 * `I(api00^2)` - 4 * api00 * `I(api00^3)` + `I(api00^4)`
    sigma2 = quote(`I(api00^2)` - api00^2)

svycontrast(central_moments, quote(mu4 / (sigma2 * sigma2)))
#>           nlcon     SE
#> contrast 2.1449 0.2113

The final extension to the survey package is specific to cases where you want to estimate proportions of extreme values on ordered ratings scales with certain lengths of unique values.

wider_td <- tidyr::pivot_wider(
  names_from = att_name,
  values_from = att_val

toydesign <- svydesign(data = wider_td, ids = ~1, weights = ~weight)

svyextremism(~att5val, design = toydesign, na.rm = TRUE)
#>                                2.5% 97.5%
#> I(att5val %in% c(5, 1)) 0.329 0.306  0.35

The output shows that this is essentially calling survey::svyciprop(~I(att5val %in% c(1, 5)), toydesign). Indeed, the function accepts other svyciprop arguments for setting the method and width used to estimate confidence intervals for the proportion. However, guided by previous research into attitude polarization (Adams, Green, and Milazzo 2012; Caldwell 2022; Cohen and Cohen 2021), svyextremism has a built-in algorithm for classifying extreme values on variables with lengths typically observed among likert scales or feeling thermometer items. If the scale has less than 10 (and more than 3) unique values, the function uses its minimum and maximum as extreme values. If the scale has 10 or 11 unique values, extreme values also include the second lowest and highest response categories. If the scale is a feeling thermometer with 100 or 101 unique response categories, the top 20 and bottom 20 unique values are classed as extreme. This allows the polarize_distr function to iterate over ordered ratings scales with heterogeneous lengths, estimating the proportion of extreme attitudes by item.

toydata |> 
    scale_names = att_name,
    scale_values = att_val
    ) |> 
    value = att_val,
    measure = "extremism",
    by = att_name
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   att_name  att_val_extremism
#>   <chr>                 <dbl>
#> 1 att100val             0.401
#> 2 att101val             0.401
#> 3 att10val              0.415
#> 4 att11val              0.343
#> 5 att4val               0.476
#> 6 att5val               0.409


polaRized mainly collects functions and code written by other people. It would not exist without contributions from the tidyverse team and authors of the survey, srvyr, and agrmt packages. In particular, I would like to thank Thomas Lumley for his speed and patience when responding to questions posted on Stack Overflow here and here.


Adams, James, Jane Green, and Caitlin Milazzo. 2012. “Who moves? Elite and mass-level depolarization in Britain, 1987–2001.” Electoral Studies 31 (4): 643–55. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ELECTSTUD.2012.07.008.

Baldassarri, Delia, and Andrew Gelman. 2008. “Partisans without Constraint: Political Polarization and Trends in American Public Opinion.” American Journal of Sociology 114 (2): 408–46. https://doi.org/10.1086/590649.

Caldwell, David. 2022. “Polarisation and Cultural Realignment in Britain, 2014-2019.” PhD thesis, Durham University. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/14979/.

Caldwell, David, Gidon Cohen, and Nick Vivyan. 2023. “Long-Run Trends in Political Polarization of Climate Policy-Relevant Attitudes Across Countries.”

Cohen, Gidon, and Sarah Cohen. 2021. “Depolarization, Repolarization and Redistributive Ideological Change in Britain, 1983–2016.” British Journal of Political Science 51 (3): 1181–1202. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007123419000486.

DiMaggio, Paul, John Evans, and Bethany Bryson. 1996. “Have American’s Social Attitudes Become More Polarized?American Journal of Sociology 102 (3): 690–755. https://doi.org/10.1086/230995.

Fiorina, Morris P., and Samuel J. Abrams. 2008. “Political Polarization in the American Public.” Annual Review of Political Science 11: 563–88. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.polisci.11.053106.153836.

Munzert, Simon, and Paul C. Bauer. 2013. “Political Depolarization in German Public Opinion, 1980–2010.” Political Science Research and Methods 1 (1): 67–89. https://doi.org/10.1017/psrm.2013.7.

Stuart, Alan, and Keith Ord. 1994. Kendall’s Advanced Theory of Statistics, Distribution Theory: Volume 1. Sixth. London: Wiley.

Van Der Eijk, Cees. 2001. “Measuring Agreement in Ordered Rating Scales.” Quality and Quantity 35: 325–41. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1010374114305.


  1. Calling agrmt::agrement or agrmt::polarization on frequency vectors with a length below three returns NA

  2. The adjusted $R^2$ is useful when comparing cases involving varying numbers of political parties, which affects the number of predictors in OLS models and the resulting $R^2$ statistic.