
Deploy HashiCorp Vault with Consul on GCP

Primary LanguageHCL

TF module to standup Vault-Consul cluster

3 Vault nodes, 5 Consul backend


  • Build your packer images
  • Create terraform.tfvars file
project                = "your-project"
region                 = "us-central1"
zones                  = ["us-central1-b", "us-central1-c", "us-central1-f"]
network                = "central"
subnet                 = "subnet1"
image_name             = "gcp-vault-1-3-1-consul-1-6-2"
machine_type           = "g1-small"
consul_cluster_version = "0-0-1"
vault_cluster_version  = "0-0-1"
datacenter             = "us-central1"
allowed_inbound_cidrs  = [""]
bootstrap              = true
cooldown_period        = 60
health_check_delay     = 90
external_lb            = false
tls_enable             = true
key_file               = "CiQA5cgR2Yun/K"
cert_file              = "CiQA5cgR2ZNGI9"
  • terraform plan; terraform apply
  • Login to one of the vault nodes and init
vault operator init
  • Change your bootstrap flag to false.
project                = "your-project"
region                 = "us-central1"
zones                  = ["us-central1-b", "us-central1-c", "us-central1-f"]
network                = "central"
subnet                 = "subnet1"
image_name             = "gcp-vault-1-3-1-consul-1-6-2"
machine_type           = "g1-small"
consul_cluster_version = "0-0-5"
vault_cluster_version  = "0-0-1"
datacenter             = "us-central1"
allowed_inbound_cidrs  = [""]
bootstrap              = false
cooldown_period        = 60
health_check_delay     = 90
external_lb            = false
tls_enable             = true
key_file               = "CiQA5cgR2Yun/K"
cert_file              = "CiQA5cgR2ZNGI9"
  • terraform plan; terraform apply
  • TODO: Remove --- Run updater script ./updater.sh


API's to enable

  • Compute Engine
  • KMS

Resources created and Permissions

  • GCS Bucket
  • KMS Ring and Crypto Key
  • HTTP Health Checks
  • Firewall rules - more info down below.
  • Service Account - to run instances with required permission. These permissions are:
    • enrypter/decrypter on the key ring
    • object creator on the GCS bucket
    • compute viewer inside the project
  • Instance groups and Instance Templates
  • Autoscaler policy
  • Loadbalancer frontend and backend services
  • Forwarding rule for the load balancer
  • Target Pool for external load balancer

Ports Used

Ports used by Consul are well documented here - https://www.consul.io/docs/install/ports.html

The following ports are allowed in the gcp firewall resouce:

TCP - "8200", "8500", "8300", "8301", "8302", "8201", "8600"
UDP - "8301", "8302", "8600"

Step by step guide for new project

  • Create a new project
  • Enable Compute Engine and KMS APIs
  • Create a vpc and a subnet
  • Enable Private access within the subnet gcloud compute networks subnets update subnet1 --region us-central1 --enable-private-ip-google-access --project=hashi-vault-project or private_ip_google_access = true if using Terraform to create subnet.
  • Add firewall rule to allow ssh ingress from your workstation, or you can use GCP's IAP for TCP forwarding and add ssh access to your subnet in your firewall rule. Documentation is here.
  • Add your ssh key to Metadata if you plan to ssh to the instances for debugging.
  • Create a service account, grant owner permission to the project -> you can also give specific roles to the service account -> #TODO
  • Download JSON key for the service account and export the path of the JSON file as GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
  • Build packer image from packer directory. Set your project name, network and subnet at a minimum in vars.json file.
  • Plan and Apply tf module - set terraform.tfvars file to your needs.

TLS support

  • For testing you can generate a self-signed cert in one line
openssl req -subj '/CN=vault.company.com/O=Owner/C=US' -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout server.key -out server.crt
  • Generate cipher with keyring, for cert and private key.
cat server.crt | gcloud kms encrypt --project project_name \
    --location us-central1 \
    --keyring vt-keyring \
    --key vault-key-primary \
    --plaintext-file - --ciphertext-file - | base64
  • Use base64 outputs as inputs to your tf variables, and set tls flag
tls_enable             = true
key_file               = "CiQA5cgR2Yu..."
cert_file              = "CiQA..."

Migrating to TLS

If you have a Vault implementation with tls_enabled set to false, you can easily upgrade to TLS by setting tls_enabled to true and adding a new Vault instance template as follows:

tls_enabled            = true
vault_cluster_version  = "new-version"

Going back to non-TLS is not as easy. You will have to delete the Vault IGM, change vault_cluster_version and tls_enabled to false.

Public IP load balancer

  • Set tf var external_lb to true.
external_lb            = true
  • Currently GCP does not support https_health checks for target pools. We are using http_health check when creating the google_compute_target_pool resource. See comments in lb.tf file. Here's also a link to Github issue.