
Template module for Equinix and Equinix Metal providers

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Experimental run-pre-commit-hooks generate-terraform-docs

terraform-equinix-template is a minimal Terraform module that utilizes Terraform providers for Equinix to provision digital infrastructure and demonstrate higher level integrations.


This project is experimental and supported by the user community. Equinix does not provide support for this project.

Install Terraform using the tfenv utility.

This project may be forked, cloned, or downloaded and modified as needed as the base in your integrations and deployments.

This project may also be used as a Terraform module.

To use this module in a new project, create a file such as:

# main.tf
terraform {
  required_providers {
    equinix = {
      source = "equinix/equinix"

module "example" {
  source = "github.com/equinix-labs/template"
  # TEMPLATE: replace "template" with the name of the repo after the terraform-equinix- prefix.

  # Published modules can be sourced as:
  # source = "equinix-labs/template/equinix"
  # See https://www.terraform.io/docs/registry/modules/publish.html for details.

  # version = "0.1.0"

  # TEMPLATE: insert required variables here

Install pre-commit with its prerequesites: python and pip.

Configure pre-commit: pre-commit install.

Install required packages: tflint, tfsec, shfmt, shellcheck, and markdownlint.

Run terraform init -upgrade and terraform apply.

Module Documentation

The main README.md, the modules README.md and the examples README.md are populated by terraform-docs worflow job. The following sections are appended between the terraform-docs delimeters: Requiremenents, Providers, Modules, Resources, Inputs, and Outputs.

Module Release and Changelog Generation

The module git release and changelog are generated by the release workflow job. The release worflow follows the conventional commits convention. To submit a commit, please follow the commit message format guidelines. This job is set to run manually by default.

Github PR Title

The title of the PR must conform with the commit message format guidelines. PR title must start with an upper case character. The following keywords may be used in the title of the PR:

  • fix: must be used when commits represent a bug fix
  • feat: must be used when commits represent a new feature
  • docs: represents documentation only changes
  • ci: represents hanges to CI configuration files and scripts
  • chore: represents a mainteance chore
  • [WIP]: represents a work-in-progress PR

Please see conventional commit message examples.


To view examples for how you can leverage this module, please see the examples directory.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3
equinix >= 1.8.0


Name Version
equinix >= 1.8.1


Name Source Version
inline-module ./modules/inline-module n/a


Name Type
equinix_metal_device.example resource


Name Description Type Default Required
example_auth_token The example auth token value defines what will be included in the example resource in main.tf. This example is descriptive. string n/a yes
example_project_id The example project id value defines what will be included in the example resource in main.tf. This example is descriptive. string n/a yes


Name Description
example_device_hostname The example output. In practice, output value reference implicit resource attributes declared in main.tf
example_gateway_id The example output. In practice, output value reference implicit resource attributes declared in main.tf


If you would like to contribute to this module, see CONTRIBUTING page.


Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE.