
A deoplete source for snipmate snippets.

Primary LanguageVim script


A deoplete source for snipmate snippets.


A Deoplete source for SnipMate.

It also supports expanding snippets present in completion items provided by some LSP servers. For this to work, a compatible client should be used, like Neovim's built-in client or vim-lsp. See also deoplete-vim-lsp and deoplete-lsp, but you can even use this feature without using deoplete.


Use your favorite plugin manager.

To install it with vim-plug, first install Deoplete, then add this to your vimrc:

Plug 'dcampos/deoplete-snipmate'


To have snippets expanded after completion without the need to press Tab or whichever key you use to expand snippets normally, you may set up an autocmd for expanding it automatically:

augroup vimrc
    autocmd vimrc CompleteDone * call deoplete#snipmate#try_expand()
augroup END