Terraform Cloud Provider Push Action

A basic action to push a custom Terraform Provider Plugin to a Terraform Cloud private registry.

Key Links

  1. Publishing Private Providers to the Terraform Registry
  2. GoReleaser


Before you can use this action, you must currently perform some manual set up steps in your Terraform Cloud instance.

1. Create Personal API Token

In your Terraform Cloud instance, go to the Tokens page for your user. Note: the link will only work if you're already logged in to Terraform Cloud.

Once there, click on the purple Create API token button. Save this token in a secure location, such as a password manager, as you'll need it in subsequent steps.

This token will be referred to below as the "personal" token.

2. Create a "Robots" API Token

In order for this action to push to your org's private registry, you must create an API token with Manage Providers permissions. This can either be a Team or User token.

Personally, I recommend creating a shared Robots team with a restricted set of permissions, and either creating a token for that team or create a robot user, adding them to the team, and creating a token on that user. Do whatever makes sense for your org.

This token will be referred to below as the "robot" token.

3. GPG Key

Terraform requires that all providers and plugins are signed by registered GPG keys. You must create a new GPG key and register it with Terraform Cloud yourself.

Creating a GPG Key

Github has provided a great tutorial on how to create a GPG key here: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/managing-commit-signature-verification/generating-a-new-gpg-key.

A few notes:

  1. Use RSA for both.
  2. May as well make it 4096 bits in size.
  3. Don't use this key for anything else.
  4. It is a good idea to enforce an expiration on this key, but that does, of course, mean you'll need to create a way to generate and push a new key to Terraform Cloud and update all references to that key ID.

Registering a GPG Key

Once created, use curl or Postman or whatever you want to execute the Add a GPG Key HTTP request.

Save the response from key-id in a secure location. You must be able to provide the key-id value when running this action.

4. Release Assets Structure

Currently this action expects to be triggered by the creation of a Github Release with a specific list of attached assets.

File Naming

Each file must follow this naming structure:

terraform-provivder-{{ provider name }}_{{ semver }}_{{ * }}

Required Files

There are three distinct types of required files:

  1. Compressed binary artifact .zip file(s)
  2. SHA256SUMS
  3. SHA256SUMS.sig

Compressed Binaries

Per platform you wish to support, there must exist a .zip compressed binary asset attached to the release with the following naming schema:

terraform-provider-{{ provider name }}_{{ semver }}_{{ os }}_{{ arch }}.zip

As an example:


The above will be parsed into the following components:

  1. Provider name is myprovider
  2. Version 0.1.0
  3. OS linux
  4. Arch amd64

You must create a file per provider : os : arch combination! Do not bundle multiple binaries into a single compressed artifact.

Suggested OS and Architecture Combinations
  • freebsd
    • amd64
    • arm64
  • linux
    • amd64
    • arm64
  • darwin
    • amd64
    • arm64
  • windows
    • amd64
    • arm64

This will ensure that your provider supports the vast majority of potential users.


There must be an asset attached to the release with the following name:

terraform-provider-{{ provider name }}_{{ semver }}_SHA256SUMS

This file must be a plain text file with the following structure:

{{ compressed artifact sha256 checksum }}  {{ name of compressed binary artifact }}

Note: There must be two (2) space (dec. 32) characters between the hash and the artifact name.

Example contents:

c4af2482975e2c5d253b0e78e515d063e59c93b3989780d8679b66828cb3e87a  terraform-provider-myprovider_0.1.0_darwin_amd64.zip
e6434014e9900ac13eb58b5d1ef5bc887bd66d2a272ae40984fe75869fa871f1  terraform-provider-myprovider_0.1.0_darwin_arm64.zip
ead99a92c724050c89a5ead1974e35ec31ffe90020e4fd47d95fbc8bed11ec6c  terraform-provider-myprovider_0.1.0_freebsd_amd64.zip
4fefa1161909c387475f1ce9476e04d7c0e6c25fdf84df2931de0633cd61aeaf  terraform-provider-myprovider_0.1.0_freebsd_arm64.zip
f95b79211d6753a350b0bcc527b8b5f33ac9ed74284d9359b107f8c2769710d2  terraform-provider-myprovider_0.1.0_linux_amd64.zip
22a801727b7e0b388099d8cf1c33537d6e0f7a85a6b1b233edaba41d48892455  terraform-provider-myprovider_0.1.0_linux_arm64.zip
4385047a17f29576213abaca2653bc32329bb72dbc3bddf937d2f9408043be89  terraform-provider-myprovider_0.1.0_windows_amd64.zip
1efe80f92155b70f124a0a55b238ded655ce464f06f69f18cc9230f72c5ac0e2  terraform-provider-myprovider_0.1.0_windows_arm64.zip

SHA256SUMS.sig File

There must be an asset attached to the release with the following name:

terraform-provider-{{ provider name }}_{{ semver }}_SHA256SUMS.sig

This file must be a gpg blob signature of the SHA256SUMS file using the GPG key you created earlier.

5. Action Configuration

This action is configured via environment variables.

Environment Variables

Name Purpose Required Default
GITHUB_TOKEN Github API token. This is created automatically when run and is accessible using ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} yes
GITHUB_REF_NAME Automatically provided by Github yes
GITHUB_REPOSITORY Automatically provided by Github yes
GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER Automatically provided by Github yes
GITHUB_REQUEST_TTL Maximum TTL for Github API requests no "5s"
GITHUB_DOWNLOAD_TTL Maximum TTL for Github release asset download requests no "5m"
TF_ADDRESS Terraform cloud address no "https://app.terraform.io"
TF_TOKEN Robot API token created earlier yes
TF_GPG_KEY_ID Value from key-id field returned when registering your GPG key with Terraform Cloud yes
TF_REGISTRY_NAME Name of registry to push provider to no "private"
TF_ORGANIZATION_NAME Name of your Terraform organization yes
TF_NAMESPACE Namespace for Provider. yes
TF_PROVIDER_NAME Name of your provider. Must match binary name prefix exactly. yes
TF_PROVIDER_PLATFORMS Comma-separate list of versions supported by your provider. no "6.0"
TF_REQUEST_TTL Maximum TTL for Terraform Cloud API requests no "5s"
TF_UPLOAD_TTL Maximum TTL for Terraform Cloud artifact uploads (including binaries) no "5m"

Example Config

name: Release

# This causes the job only to run when a new tag with a prefix of `v` is pushed to github
      - 'v*'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # you may perform whatever release artifact creation steps you like here
      - uses: dcarbone/tfcloud-provider-push-action@v0.1.0 # version should be latest release
        if: ${{ success() }} # only run if previous steps succeeded
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # this is created for you by Github
          TF_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TFCLOUD_API_KEY }} # this assumes you've created an Action secret with this name
          TF_GPG_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.TFCLOUD_GPG_KEY_ID }} # this assumes you've created an Action secret with this name
          TF_REGISTRY_NAME: private
          TF_ORGANIZATION_NAME: myorg
          TF_NAMESPACE: myorg
          TF_PROVIDER_NAME: myprovider