
Programming test for interview

Primary LanguageC#


This assignment is a very small task to create a Gift Aid calculator.

For reference, Gift Aid is calculated as follows:

[Donation Amount] * ( [TaxRate] / (100 - [TaxRate]) )

Story 1

As a donor
I want to see my gift aid calculated according to the current tax rate
So that I know how much extra cash the charity will make

Acceptance criteria

  • Gift aid calculated at a tax rate of 20%.
  • Supported by unit tests.

Story 2

As a site administrator
I want to be able to change the applicable tax rate
So that I don't need to change the code when the tax rate changes

Acceptance criteria

  • Current Tax Rate is retrieved from data store.
  • Gift Aid amount is calculated based on the current amount in the data store.

Story 3

As a donor
I want to see my gift aid amount rounded correctly to 2 decimal places
So that I'm not confused about how much will be paid to the charity

Acceptance criteria

  • Gift aid amount correctly rounded to 2 decimal places (1.316 should round to 1.32).

Story 4

As an events promoter
I want to supplement gift aid payments based on event type
So that people will feel inspired to donate to these event types

Acceptance criteria

  • 5% supplement added for donations to "running" events.
  • 3% supplement added for donations to "swimming" events.
  • No supplement should be applied for other events.