
Back end for the flickpick app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Flickpick API


Flickpick API is the back end of the Flickpick app. Flickpick is an app where users can sign up, peruse popular movies, and save specific movies into a favorites list. This API includes full CRUD distributed across three models (User, Movie, and Genre) using RESTful routes. The data used was pulled from The Movie Database(TMDb), found at https://www.themoviedb.org/?language=en-US.

This app was built by a team of three collaborators:

Shane Vann-Shirley: https://github.com/ashanev

Paula Bannerman: https://github.com/dcartist

Melika Rasti: https://github.com/mrasti

Technologies Used

Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Passport, Passport-JWT, JWT-Simple

Links to Flickpick

Front end github repository found at: https://github.com/ashanevs/flickpick

Deployed app: http://www.flickpick.surge.sh

Getting Started / Installation Instructions

If you want to work with the full repo, first fork and clone it (https://help.github.com/en/articles/fork-a-repo). Ensure you have node installed (node --version from your CLI to check the version, if not, it is available for free from their website) then run

npm install

from the root directory of your cloned project to install dependencies (e.g. Express, Mongoose).

There are three files that need to be run in order to seed your local database: one for movies, videos (embedded youtube videos), and genres. You will need to run the following three seed files in order via your terminal. Note that movies and videos will take several minutes, as there are ~2000 entries that process with intermittent pauses.

node db/seed-movies.js
node db/seed-videos.js
node db/seed-genres.js

In order to have the database running, you can run:

nodemon index.js

in your terminal from the root directory to begin hosting from http://localhost:3000/.


Routes for Movie collection

*Note that getById uses a unique "id" property for each movie, not its Object Id.

Name Path HTTP Verb Purpose
getAllMovies /api/movies/allmovies GET Displays all movies
getById /api/movies.:id GET Display one class by its movie Id
getByTitle /api/movies/title/:title GET Displays one movie by its title
searchByTitle /api/movies/search/:title GET Displays one movie by its title(regexp)
getRandomMovies /api/movies/ GET Display 21 movies (selected randomly)

Routes for Genre collection

Name Path HTTP Verb Purpose
getAllGenres /api/genre GET Displays all genres
getMoviesByGenre /api/genre/id/:id GET Displays 21 movies of a genre

Routes for User collection

*Note that a body containing properties for email (String) and password (String) are required to use signup and login routes

Name Path HTTP Verb Purpose
getById /api/user GET Displays a user by their Object Id
signUp /api/user/signup POST Allows a user to sign up (requires body)
logIn /api/user/login POST Allows a user to log in (requires body)
addMovie /api/user/:userId/:movieId PUT Adds a movie to user's favorites by objectId
removeMovie /api/user/:userId/:movieId PUT Removes a movie from a user's favorites by objectId
delete /api/user/:userId DELETE Deletes an existing user from the database

Project History

The MVP goal was to create a working back end of the API for our full-stack app. We utilized object references between models and used populate to make the relationships between models more flushed out.

As a bonus goal, we implemented authentication and a user model with routes to store favorite movies in a list. Authentication mostly used a dependency called passport and JSON Web Tokens to verify users for access to user actions.


There is an issue where a user who is "signed up" is not authenticated properly. Otherwise the database functions well and as expected.

Prospective Goals

A user must log in even after completing sign up for authentication on some user routes to function propery. It appears to be a back end issue and we hope to resolve this in the future.

The movie GET route using id utilizes a unique id number from the database (~5 digits); ideally this would utilize the mongoose id (stored as _id) instead.

Contribution Resources

Source code: https://github.com/ashanevs/flickpick-api

Issue tracker: https://github.com/ashanevs/flickpick-api/issues