
What is Installfest?

Here at General Assembly, we use Installfest to install a group of applications which we consider essential for any software developer to have. We use these applications regularly in our classes, and it's essential for all of our students to have them.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • The instructions below are made for macOS users. For Linux users, please follow the instructions here instead.

  • Enter the commands in the Terminal unless otherwise noted.

  • In the code blocks, do not copy the $ symbols at the start of the line unless otherwise noted.

    The $ is commonly used to represent the start of the prompt in the Terminal, and everything that follows the $ is the command itself.

  • We don't recommend typing the commands manually wherever possible, since a single typo can make a command malfunction.

    • Use CMD + C to copy a command.

    • Use CMD + V to paste a command.

    Copy and paste one command at a time. Each command should be a single line, but if your window is narrow some lines may "wrap" and appear as multiple lines.

    For longer lines, make sure you copy the entire line.

  • If you're asked to enter your password, that means the password for your computer.

    When you type it in, Terminal won't give you any visual feedback to indicate you're typing things in: you won't get a black dot for each character you typed.

    That's OK – just type your password and hit Enter!

  • Terminal is not big on visual feedback – it usually doesn't tell you when something worked.

    No news is good news! If you enter a command and Terminal doesn't print anything, it probably worked fine.

    If something didn't work, you'll get an error message that gives useful information.

  • Some of the commands do not give immediate feedback so if it looks like something stalled give it a moment.

    If the Terminal prompt ($) isn't present on the current line, be patient.

  • Your output could be slightly different from the Example Output. As long as they are similar you are good to move on to the next step.

  • There are a few steps where it is important that a file is saved before proceeding. Here are a few things to look out for:


    Unsaved File


    Saved File

If You Run Into an Issue

  1. First, verify that you've typed the given commands letter for letter.
  2. Then, check the board if any changes were made during the installfest.
  3. Finally, ask an instructor for help.

Instructions 🚀

Update macOS

For our class, you'll need the latest release of macOS Catalina.

Starting Installfest with the most recent macOS update is vital!

Open Terminal

  1. Open Spotlight by clicking the little magnifying glass in the top-right corner of your screen, or hitting CMD + Space.

  2. Type "Terminal" into the Spotlight text input and select the Terminal app. A new Terminal window should pop up.

Switch to bash


# Remember: the "$" is the start of the Terminal prompt!

$ chsh -s /bin/bash

Confirm bash

Close the Terminal completely (CMD + Q), then open it again.

Create .bash_profile


$ touch ~/.bash_profile

Confirm .bash_profile

$ source ~/.bash_profile

# Example Output

# Nothing! if you do not get any errors that means the .zshrc is in good shape.

Install Xcode


$ xcode-select --install

Confirm Xcode

$ xcode-select --version

# Example Output

xcode-select version 2370.

Install Homebrew

  1. Check to see if you have Homebrew installed.


    $ brew --version
    # Example Output – Homebrew installed
    Homebrew 2.1.9
    Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 9e49; last commit 2019-07-30)
    # Example Output – Homebrew not installed
    -bash: brew: command not found
  2. If Homebrew is installed, update it.


    $ brew update; brew upgrade; brew cleanup; brew doctor

    If not, install Homebrew.


    $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Confirm Homebrew

$ brew --version

# Example Output

Homebrew 2.1.16
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 2d19; last commit 2019-11-06)

(Re)install Git

  1. See initial version of git installed on the system.


    $ git --version
    # Example Output
    git version 2.20.1 (Apple Git-122)
  2. Install latest version of git.


    $ brew install git
  3. Completely close Terminal (CMD + Q) and open a new window with Spotlight.

Confirm Git


$ git --version

# Example Output

git version 2.24.0


If the output from the brew install git command mentions brew link git near the end, try...


$ brew link git

# If you get an error message, try:

$ brew link --overwrite git

After that, try the Confirm step. If that doesn't work, completely close Terminal (CMD + Q) and open a new window.

Install Code Editors

We will be using Sublime Text during Installfest, and recommend using it for the first few weeks before trying out the more complex but powerful editor: VS Code.


$ brew cask install sublime-text visual-studio-code

Confirm Code Editors

# 1/2

$ subl ~/.bash_profile

# Keep this window open

# 2/2

$ code ~/.bash_profile

You can either use VS Code or Sublime Text to edit your .bash_profile. Keep either window open.

Troubleshooting Sublime Text

If Sublime Text is installed but subl ~/.bash_profile does not work...

  1. Run:
$ ln -sv "/Applications/Sublime" /usr/local/bin/subl
  1. Run the "Confirm" command again. Worst case, completely close Terminal (CMD + Q) and open a new window.

Troubleshooting VS Code

If VS Code is installed but code ~/.bash_profile does not work...

  1. Anywhere on your computer, press CMD + Space to open the Spotlight and type "Visual Studio Code" to open the application.

  2. In VS Code, press SHIFT + CMD + P to open the Command Palette, and enter...

    Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH

    VS Code should autocomplete the rest of the command when you enter the first few characters. `

  3. Back in the terminal...


    $ source ~/.bash_profile
  4. Run the "Confirm" command again. Worst case, completely close Terminal (CMD + Q) and open a new window.

Remove bash warning

In the .bash_profile file open in your editor (Sublime or VS Code), add this line to the top:


Confirm Remove bash warning

# In the Terminal

$ source ~/.bash_profile

Note: Installfest provides an example .bash_profile with all of additions we'll be making. It might be helpful to open it in a new browser tab to refer to alongside the instructions.

Set the $PATH

Add the following line to the very top of the .bash_profile and then save (CMD + S).

export PATH="$PATH"

Updated .bash_profile:


# The "+" is just to show the added line, it is not a part of the final code.

+ export PATH="$PATH"

Note: If you already have code in .bash_profile, that's awesome! Just make sure there is a line that says export PATH="<blah blah blah>" because we will need to add to it later.

Confirm $PATH

$ source ~/.bash_profile

Add Git Auto-Completion to bash

In your .bash_profile, add this line and save the file (CMD + S).

source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash

Updated .bash_profile:

export PATH="$PATH"

+ source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash

Confirm Git Auto-Completion

$ source ~/.bash_profile

Uninstall Node (if installed)


$ node --version

# Expected Output – Node not installed

-bash: node: command not found

If you get command not found, you can move on to the step.

If got any other answer, follow these steps to uninstall Node!

Install NVM

Note: Save (CMD + S) your .bash_profile before starting this step – it will automatically update the .bash_profile so we need to save the file first to avoid file conflicts.


# 1/2

$ curl -o- | bash

# 2/2

$ source ~/.bash_profile

Updated .bash_profile:

export PATH="$PATH"

source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash

# There might not be an empty line between the previous code and these new lines, feel free to add it in!
+ export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
+ [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
+ [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion


$ command -v nvm

# Example Output


Install Node


$ nvm install 13.9.0


# 1/2

$ node --version

# Example Output


# 2/2

$ npm --version

# Example Output


Install Pyenv


Note: Save (CMD + S) your .bash_profile before starting this step – it will update the .bash_profile so we need to save the file first to avoid file conflicts.

  1. Run:

    $ brew install pyenv
  2. Add to .bash_profile:

    if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
      eval "$(pyenv init -)"

    Updated .bash_profile:

    # In .bash_profile
    export PATH="$PATH"
    source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash
    export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion
    + if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
    +   eval "$(pyenv init -)"
    + fi
  3. Run (in Terminal):

    $ source ~/.bash_profile

Confirm pyenv

$ pyenv --version

# Example Output

pyenv 1.2.15

Install Python


# 1/3

$ pyenv install 3.8.0

# 2/3

$ pyenv global 3.8.0

# 3/3

$ source ~/.bash_profile

Confirm python

$ python --version

# Example Output

Python 3.8.0


Refer the the pyenv wiki

Update pip


$ pip install --upgrade pip

While we're here...

$ pip install ipython

Install Pipenv


$ pip install --user pipenv

Confirm pipenv

$ pipenv --version

# Example Output – Success

pipenv, version 2018.11.26

# Example Output – More work needed

-bash: pipenv: command not found

Troubleshooting pipenv

If pipenv cannot be found, we need to make one change to the .bash_profile so the Terminal can find the application.

How do we determine what to change the line to?

  1. We need to find the location we need to add to our $PATH.


    $ python -m site --user-base

    This will give us a location such as...

    # Yours will be different!
  2. We want to add "/bin" to this location when we add it to the $PATH. So in in this example, we'd get...

    - /Users/<your_user_REPLACE_THIS>/.local
    + /Users/<your_user_REPLACE_THIS>/.local/bin

    Just make a note of this line, we will add it to the .bash_profile in the next step.

  3. Update your .bash_profile by adding this path to the export PATH line.

    Keep the final :$PATH at the very end, and insert the location of the pipenv installation immediately before it.

    Note: be mindful of the :s between different file locations in the $PATH

    The updated line could look something like...

    Update .bash_profile:

    # In .bash_profile
    - export PATH="$PATH"
    + export PATH="/Users/<your_user_REPLACE_THIS>/.local/bin:$PATH"
    source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash
    export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

Confirm pipenv Troubleshooting

# 1/2

$ source ~/.bash_profile

# 2/2

$ pipenv --version

# Example Output

pipenv, version 2018.11.26

Install Postgres


  1. Run:

    # 1/2
    $ brew cask install postgres
    # 2/2
    $ sudo mkdir -p /etc/paths.d && echo /Applications/ | sudo tee /etc/paths.d/postgresapp
  2. Completely close Terminal and reopen a new window.

  3. Use Spotlight (CMD + Space) and type "Postgres" to open the application.

    If this is the first time running, click the "Initialize" button. This will create the database and start your local server.

Confirm Postgres

$ psql

# Example Output

psql (12.0)
Type "help" for help.

This opens a new type of prompt in Terminal, type \q and then hit Enter to exit.

Install MongoDB



# 1/3

$ brew tap mongodb/brew

# 2/3

$ brew install mongodb-community@4.2

# 3/3

$ brew services start mongodb-community@4.2

Confirm MongoDB


$ ps -ef | grep mongod

Install Heroku CLI



$ brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku

Confirm Heroku CLI

$ heroku -v

# Example Output

heroku/7.34.2 darwin-x64 node-v12.13.0

Install Miscellaneous Apps via Homebrew


# 1/2

$ brew install libpq

# 2/2

$ brew cask install postman spectacle

# If you do not already have Chrome and/or Slack

$ brew cask install google-chrome slack

Confirm Misc. Apps

$ brew leaves

# this will list all of the applications installed via Homebrew

You can use Spotlight to open the apps installed with brew cask by entering CMD + Space anywhere.

Install Miscellaneous NPM Packages


$ npm install -g npx nodemon prettier surge trash-cli

Confirm Misc. NPM Packages

$ npm list -g --depth=0

Configure Git


# 1/5

# Replace <YOUR FULL NAME> with the name you would like to use, keep the double quotes

$ git config --global "<YOUR_FULL_NAME>"

# 2/5

# Replace <THE_EMAIL...></THE_EMAIL...> with your email, , keep the double quotes

$ git config --global "<THE_EMAIL_YOU_USE_FOR_GITHUB@EMAIL.COM>"

# 3/5

# Copy/paste everything between the parenthesis and hit Enter

$ (git config --global push.default simple
git config --global color.ui always
git config --global color.branch.current 'green reverse'
git config --global color.branch.local green
git config --global color.branch.remote yellow
git config --global color.status.added green
git config --global color.status.changed yellow
git config --global color.status.untracked red
git config --global core.editor 'subl --wait'
git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"

Confirm Git Config

$ git config --list --global

# Example Output Assembly
color.branch.current=green reverse
core.editor=subl --wait
alias.lg=log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit

Register for GitHub

If you don't have a GitHub account, go to and create an account.

Make sure you update your profile with:

  • Your Name
  • A recognizable profile picture
  • An e-mail address

Add GitHub/Enterprise SSH Keys

Follow these instructions to add GitHub SSH keys to your local machine!

Install Useful Chrome Extensions

Congratulations 🎉

You have installed the basic applications to use as a developer, and you are ready for SEI. We are looking forward to working with you in the next weeks!