
1. Click this tab group

2. Type ""

3. press the + symbol on the upper right corner of the page

4. Click on "New repository"

5. Make sure the owner is listed as your screen name

**6. **

7. Enter in a name that you want to call your repo

8. Make sure you have it set for the public if you want people to view the repo.

9. Add a README file to your repo

10. Then press "Create repository"

11. Your Repo should now be created and showing on your screen

12. Click on the button "Code"

13. Make sure you are on the ssh version

14. Copy the url for your new github repo

15. Go to VS Code and go to "file" at the top

16. Click "New Window"

17. Click on "Clone Git Repository"

18. Paste the url into the window and then click on "Cloen from URL"

19. Choose the location you want to have your repo

20. When you find the are you want your repo, click "Select as Repository Destination"

21. Click "Open"

22. Your repo will download and will be available to you

23. Click here

24. Type "index.html [[Enter]]"

25. Type "html [[Down Arrow]] [[Enter]]"

26. Press [[Cmd]] + [[s]]

27. Click here

28. Click here

29. Type "enter message"

30. Click here

31. Click here

32. Click "Commit & Push"

33. Double-click here

34. Type "new changes"

35. Click here

36. Press [[Cmd]] + [[s]]

37. Click here

38. Type "mreo changes"

39. Click here

40. Click here

41. Click here

42. Click here

43. Click "Push"

44. Click here

45. Click here

46. Click "Push"

47. Click here

48. Click this toolbar

49. Click the Reload button