
The Qiniu integration for the Yii framework

Primary LanguagePHP

Qiniu Extension for Yii2

The Qiniu integration for the Yii framework

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The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require --prefer-dist dcb9/yii2-qiniu

or add

"dcb9/yii2-qiniu": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json.


To use this extension, simply add the following code in your application configuration:

return [
    'components' => [
        'qiniu' => [
            'class' => 'dcb9\qiniu\Component',
            'accessKey' => 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY',
            'secretKey' => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
            'disks' => [
                'testBucket' => [
                    'bucket' => 'bucketOnQiniu',
                    'baseUrl' => 'ACCESS_QINIU_URL',
                    'isPrivate' => true,
                    'zone' => 'zone0', // 可设置为 zone0, zone1 @see \Qiniu\Zone

资源操作就 Flysystem 的一个扩展, 所以所有的调用方法与 Flysystem 调用方法一致.

// 获取 Disk
$filesystem = Yii::$app->qiniu->getDisk('testBucket');


// 七牛独有 API
$filesystem->getUrl('hello.txt');  // 获取访问地址

其它所有可调用的 API

默认设置 Policy 是使用 Array 的方式来设置的, 但是这种方式对程序员不是很友好,于是创建了一个 Policy 的类,但所有的操作还是跟操作数组一样.

$policy = new \dcb9\qiniu\Policy();
$policy->callbackUrl = '';
$policy->callbackBody = '';
$qiniu = Yii::$app->qiniu;

$diskName = 'testBucket';
$token1 = $qiniu->getUploadToken($diskName);

$key = null;
$expires = 3600;
$policy = new \dcb9\qiniu\Policy();
$policy->callbackUrl = '';
$policy->callbackBody = '';

// Fop @see src/Pfop.php
$policy->persistentOps = \dcb9\qiniu\Pfop::instance()
    ->saveas('testbucket', 'after-ops' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '.mp4')
$policy->persistentNotifyUrl = 'http://blog.phpor.me';

$diskName = 'testBucket';
$token2 = $qiniu->getUploadToken($diskName, $key, $expires, $policy);

使用 Token 上传文件

$token = '<TOKEN>'; // @see 获取 UploadToken
$config = ['token' => $token];
$filesystem->writeStream($path, $stream, $config);

$filesystem->write($path, $content, $config);

$filesystem->put($path, $content, $config);
