
A responsive, Flexbox-focused project for a sample hotel booking app based in Sass. The site includes Flexbox designs, SVGs, and animated button features for the hotel overview page.

Primary LanguageCSS

Flex Booking App GitHub version doc GitHub last commit

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A responsive, Flexbox-focused project for a sample hotel booking app. The site includes Flexbox designs, SVGs, and animated button features for the hotel overview page.

Installation & Technologies

  • Download the full package, select the Code button, choose the "Download ZIP" option.
  • Requires Node.js to run: install Node.js, current version.
    • npm install to install the Node Sass and libraries, specifically these packages will also be installed.
      • "autoprefixer"
      • "concat"
      • "node-sass"
      • "npm-run-all"
      • "postcss-cli"
    • npm run start to open local server.
  • SASS/SCSS: install Sass, current version.

Project Highlights

Section Features
Header Flexbox alignment techniques (i.e. justify-content, align-items, align-self, flex) & SVG icons for better user accessibility.
Navigation Flexbox horizontal and vertical alignment at different viewports, multiple transition properties with different settings to create animated hover effect.
Main: Hotel Overview Flexbox margin auto to target overall review rating, infinite animated button.
Main: Description Flexbox flexwrap feature to build multi-column list, CSS masks for browser support.
Main: Call to Action Flexbox alignment showcasing animated hover effect that changes text on hover.








Dany Chheang dany.chheang@gmail.com