
JavaScript message sharing application allow users to send an encoded message to others in the form of a URL.

Primary LanguageHTML

Hidden Message App GitHub version doc GitHub last commit

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HTML5, Materialize CSS, JavaScript

A responsive, application which utilizes JS to allow users to send an encoded message in the form of a URL to other users. Users can then open the URL and reveal the decoded message, then send their own encoded message.

Installation & Technologies

  • Download the full package, select the Code button, choose the "Download ZIP" option.
  • Stylsheet CDN link here.
  • To deploy application, sign up for free cloud platform at Vercel. If you do not deploy the app, you can only use it on your local machine.
    • Requires Node.js to run command line to deploy onto Vercel: install Node.js, current version.
    • Once Node.js is installed, run command npx now and follow instructions in command line to link project to Vercel.

Form Submission and Encoding

  • Remove browser default submission to non-existent backend server.

  • Base64 encoding - ASCII character codes converted to base64 character codes.

    • Keep in mind that the ASCII character codes represent characters with a decimal value 0 to 127 while Base64 character codes represent up decimal value from 0 to 63.
    • Learn more about ASCII characters here.
    • Learn more about Base64 characters here.
  • Generate URL after user types a message utilizing window.location.


  • Decode message and display message from hash property.

    const { hash } = window.location;


Dany Chheang dany.chheang@gmail.com