Head First Design Patterns

Head First Design Patterns is a book that introduces a collection of design patterns and principles using humurous images and code written in Java. This respository contains code demonstrating these patterns other languages.

Patterns Writeup Implementations
The Strategy Pattern Link
The Observer Pattern Link
The Decorator Pattern
The Factory Method Pattern
The Abstract Factory Pattern
The Singleton Pattern
The Command Pattern
The Adapter Pattern
The Facade Pattern
The Template Method Pattern
The Iterator Pattern

The Book & Other Resources

Update A new version of the text was released in December of 2020! Find it on O'Reilly here

The text is a very approachable introduction to design patterns. If you have any Java experience, or are even just comfortable reading code and willing to learn a little, I recommend it.

The code from the book, as well as a number of free and/or alternate media design pattern resources are availble over at WickedlySmart's wesbite - link

Design Principles