
The Official DC Code & Coffee Website.

I want a site like this!

Feel free to fork or copy this repo :)

Update links & text in:

  • header (navbar)
  • banner
  • footer
  • _config.yml

Meetup Widget Setup

  1. Get your Meetup API key from here: https://secure.meetup.com/meetup_api/key/
  2. Get signed url, like the instructions here: http://www.meetup.com/meetup_api/auth/#keysign
  1. Paste the signed url into events.html

Twitter Widget Setup

  1. https://publish.twitter.com (https://twitter.com/settings/widgets)
  2. Put in the url like twitter.com/alxcodecoffee
  3. make the height ~800px or something like that

Run locally

You'll need ruby installed.

  1. Run bundle install
  2. Run jekyll serve
  3. Navigate to