
Documentation on developing mobile applications in the federal government

Creating Applications in the Federal Government

So, you're working in the federal government and want to create a mobile application. But you have nowhere to start and have a lot of questions.

  • How do I make sure I'm building something people will want?
  • What's the difference between native vs. cross-platform development?
  • How do I know my app will work on different devices?

The purpose of this repo is to serve as a starting guide for you as a federal employee to incorporate some of the best practices from the private sector. Despite having been around since 2009, mobile apps are still relatively new within the federal government. This guide will help you hit the ground running when thinking about a mobile app for your agency.

The sections of this guide follow the Product Management Lifecycle as laid out in the Product Management and Marketing Body of Knowledge (ProdBOK) developed by the Association of International Product Marketing and Management (AIPMM). We have adapted it with lessons learned from working within the federal government.

Guide authors and contributors include:
David Cooper, Psy.D.
Lead for Mobile Apps, National Center for Telehealth and Technology

If you have any questions, please reach out to us and ask!

Building a copy in Gitbook

Coming Soon.