
This is a very simple set of functions that are designed to be simple to use, not necessarily complete or very versatile. They are meant to be used by students to rapidly create a plot from data with a decent, sane, readable style.

SimpleMatplotlib: Creating nice plots quickly with Python matplotlib


This is a very simple set of functions that are designed to be simple to use, not necessarily complete or very versatile. They are meant to be used by students to rapidly create a plot from data with a decent, sane, readable style.

This is borne out of a desire to help students and beginners who don't know Python, matplotlib or how to make a decent plot with their data. In most other libraries, the default values tend to be somewhat moronic: this is meant to help.


There are three tasks that students need to perform with experimental data:

  1. Read the data from a variety of formats
  2. Plot the data
  3. Fit the data

Currently, the package is empty but will address these three tasks.


Anyone is welcome to contribute modifications and initiate a Pull Request. I will evaluate.