
aka "the sausage machine" - scripts and miscellaneous code to aid Open Doors imports

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts and miscellaneous code to aid Open Doors imports. This currently supports Automated Archive and eFiction databases.

High-level process

  1. Copy the MySQL script and/or site backup to their local machine
  2. Create a MySQL database for the processing stage (we recommend a naming format like od_archive_name)
  3. Create an \<archive_name\>.yml properties file for the archive including that database name (see example.yml)
  4. Run Stage 01 to load the metadata into the MySQL database. Verify that authors, stories and chapters (if applicable) are present. You may need to tweak the scripts of the input files to get the best possible result - don't rush this phase.
  5. Run Stage 02 to extract the tags from the stories. Before you run this script, look at the story table in the database to see what fields contain tags and whether those tags are ids that reference another table, or plain text tags, as the script will prompt you for this information.
  6. Run Stage 03 to export lists of authors with works, and a list of tags. Upload these to Google Spreadsheets in the Google Drive folder for the archive you're importing. These will be used in the following tasks:
    • Open Doors search the Archive for existing works from the list you provided.
    • Tag Wrangling map the tags you extracted from your database to existing approved tags on the Archive.
  7. When the above processes are complete, process the resulting spreadsheets:
    • Download the Tag Wrangling spreadsheet as a comma-separated file.
    • Generate a comma-separated list of story ids for stories which already exist in the Archive.
  8. Run Stage 04 to map the tags in your database to their AO3 equivalents. The Tag Wrangling spreadsheet is the input for this process - if necessary, amend your properties file to point to the file you downloaded from Google Drive. You may also need to tidy it up manually if tag wranglers have added notes or change column headings.
  9. TBA: DNI removal
  10. Run Stage 05 to create the final table for the import site. This destructively creates new tables in the output database. Note: the stories table will not contain any tags at this point.
  11. Run Stage 06 to update the tags in the output database (stages 04 and 06 can be rerun without running stage 05 if there are problems with the tags).


flag Property name Description
-h help show help message and exit
-dp db_password MySQL password
-du db_user MySQL user
-dh db_host MySQL host name and port
-dd db_database MySQL temporary database name to use for processing (will be destroyed if it exists)
-dt db_table_prefix MySQL prefix for tables
-a archive_type Type of archive: AA or EF
-i db_input_file Full path to input file (ARCHIVE_DB.pl for AA, SQL script for eFiction)
-o output_folder Path for output files
-t tag_input_file Full path to Tag Wrangling CSV
-od output_database Name of the database the final tables should be created in (default "od_sgf")
-n archive_name Name of the original archive (used in export file names)
-cp chapters_path Location of the text files containing the stories. Optional - if no path is specified, the chapter table will be copied over as is.
-cf chapters_file_extensions File extension(s) of the text files containing the stories (eg: "txt, html"). Only required if a chapter path is specified.
-df default_fandom Default fandom to use. Optional - the column will only be populated with fandoms from the TW sheet if this is blank.
-p properties_file Load properties from specified file (ignores all other arguments)

If the -p flag is set, these values will be read from a YAML file in same folder as the script (see example.yml in the project root. This is a much simpler way of providing the parameters, but they can also be passed on the command line using the flags specified. For example:

python 01-Load-into-Mysql.py -dd localhost -du root -dd od_dsa -a AA -i /Users/me/Documents/ARCHIVE_DB.pl


The scripts should be run in the order indicated. Each stage can be rerun individually as many times as necessary (for example, due to changes in the Tag Wrangling sheet). Do not modify the MySQL tables manually during this process, as the tables and their contents will be overwritten when you rerun a script.

All the scripts rely on the following properties being set (you will be prompted for the properties required):

flag Property name Description
-dp db_password MySQL password
-du db_user MySQL user
-dh db_host MySQL host name and port
-dd db_database MySQL temporary database name to use for processing (will be destroyed if it exists)
-dt db_table_prefix MySQL prefix for tables
-a archive_type Type of archive: AA or EF

The properties required only for certain scripts are detailed in the appropriate section below.

Stage 01 - Load the original database into MySQL

This script will import the ARCHIVE_DB.pl for an Automated Archive or the MySQL dump for an eFiction database into your MySQL server.

It relies on the following parameters:

flag Property name Description
-i db_input_file Full path to input file (ARCHIVE_DB.pl for AA, SQL script for eFiction)

eFiction note: check that the MySQL script you were given doesn't name the database when creating tables - otherwise it may recreate the original database on import, or fail to run at all.

Note: this script destroys and recreates the database named in the db_database property.

Stage 02 - Extract tags from the original stories

This script creates a table called tags in the temporary database and denormalises all the tags for each story. This table is the basis for the Tag Wrangling sheet and is used to map the tags back to the story when the final tables are created.

It relies only on the database parameters.

eFiction note: some eFiction versions have comma-delimited ids in the story tag fields. This script will prompt you to say if this is the case for the database you are processing. If so, it will look up the tag text in the original tag table.

Note: this script destroys the tags table and recreates it - do not edit the tags table manually.

Stage 03 - Export tags, authors and stories

Before an external archive can be imported, the following two steps need to be performed:

  1. the external archive's tags have to be mapped to the Archive's existing tags. This saves tag wranglers from having to map the external tags manually to the correct ones.

  2. all the stories from the original archive have to searched for on the Archive to prevent importing duplicates.

As these two processes are done manually, this step exports two CSV files which you then have to import into Google Spreadsheet and share with the rest of the Open Doors committee.

It relies on the following parameters:

flag Property name Description
-o output_folder Path for output files

Stage 04 - Reimport the Tag Wrangling sheet and map the original tags to the new AO3 tags

When Tag Wrangling have finished mapping the tags in Google Drive, export the spreadsheet as a CSV file. This script then copies the AO3 tags from that file into the tags table in the temporary database.

It relies on the following parameters:

flag Property name Description
-t tag_input_file Full path to Tag Wrangling CSV

Stage 05 - Create the Open Doors tables

This script creates the tables for the temporary import site and copies in the authors and stories (see below for notes on bookmarks and chapters).

It relies on the following parameters:

flag Property name Description
-od output_database Name of the database the final tables should be created in (default "od_sgf")
-cp chapters_path Location of the text files containing the stories. Optional - if no path is specified, the chapter table will be copied over as is.
-cf chapters_file_extensions File extension(s) of the text files containing the stories (eg: "txt, html"). Only required if a chapter path is specified.

The temporary sites are currently all run off the same database, with the tables prefixed to distinguish them.

This script will destroy the prefixed tables for this archive before recreating them, so do not edit them manually until you are sure you are finished with this stage.

Stage 06 - Copy AO3 tags into the stories table

This script matches up the AO3 tags, fandoms and categories from the tags table with the corresponding stories. Note that unlike the other scripts, this one does not destroy the tables before changing them.

It relies on the following parameters:

flag Property name Description
-od output_database Name of the database the final tables should be created in (default "od_sgf")
-df default_fandom Default fandom to use. Optional - the column will only be populated with fandoms from the TW sheet if this is blank.