
Source code and files for FPS Creator Classic

Primary LanguageLogos

How To Use Source

1. Launch DBP using this path: 'Dark Basic Pro Shared\Dark Basic Pro\Launch.exe'

2. Use IDE to load 'Dark Basic Pro Shared\Dark Basic Pro\Projects\FPSCREATOR\FPSC-MapEditor (english).dbpro'

3. Press the Compile button to generate a new FPSC-MapEditor.exe

4. Use IDE to load 'Dark Basic Pro Shared\Dark Basic Pro\Projects\FPSCREATOR\FPSC-Game (english).dbpro'

5. Press the Compile button to generate a new FPSC-Game.exe

6. Use IDE to load 'Dark Basic Pro Shared\Dark Basic Pro\Projects\FPSCREATOR\FPSC-Screens.dbpro'

7. Press the Compile button to generate a new FPSC-Screens.exe

8. Load 'FPS Creator Editor\FPS.sln' into Visual Studio

9. Compile project to generate a new FPSCreator.exe

10. Locate 'gamecore.zip' in 'Dark Basic Pro Shared\Dark Basic Pro\Projects\FPSCREATOR\Files' and unzip it to form a folder gamecore, then delete the zip. 

11. Run FPSCreator.exe to launch FPS Creator Classic

12. An alternative WASP branch of the FPSC source code has been archived here: 'WASP Branch Code'