
XSL transformations for OAI-PMH

Primary LanguageXSLT

The Project

We plan to create a set of XSL transformations to transform XML files, retrieved from OAI-PMH requests to RDF. The RDF will be based on:

  1. The vocabularies used in SLattes.

  2. VIVO Ontology.


We currently version is still not robust enough to deal with problems in the metadata. The mets2rdf transformation is tested only with few sets from the FGV's digital library. Next steps on the todo.org file.


We can use the script test.bash. The two last lines help to debug the produced RDF file.


  • Alexandre Rademaker
  • Daniel Guimaraes
  • Eric Grinstein



Creative Commons License
OAI-PMH2RDF by Alexandre Rademaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at https://github.com/arademaker/oai-pmh2rdf
