A generated Hyrax-based MorphoSource application
Note that this application is intended to run within the morphosource-vagrant virtual machine
Vagrant version 1.8.5+
You can quickly check to see if you have a suitable version of vagrant installed by running
vagrant -v
If you don't have vagrant installed, you can download it -- it's available for both Mac and Windows, as well as Debian and Centos.
Vagrant runs inside of a Virtual Machine (VM) hosted by VirtualBox, which is made by Oracle and is free to download. They have version for Mac and Windows, as well as Linux and Solaris.
You can quickly check to see if you have VirtualBox installed by running
vboxmanage --version
clone the morphosource-vagrant repository
git clone https://github.com/morphosource/morphosource-vagrant.git
move to the morphosource-vagrant folder, then clone the MorphoSource_SF repository
cd morphosource-vagrant
git clone https://github.com/MorphoSource/MorphoSource_SF.git
startup vagrant
vagrant up
This will run through provisioning the new Virtual Machine. The first time it runs, it will take a while to complete. In the future when you want to startup the dev environment, you'll run the same command but it will startup much more quickly
Vagrant creates a shared folder that you can access both inside the VM and on your workstation. We've found it's best to do your git operations exclusively via the workstation folder.
Shell into vagrant box
vagrant ssh
This repo (MorphoSource_SF) is included as a submodule in morphosource-vagrant, so the folder and files are there already.
Move to the MorphoSource_SF folder
cd /vagrant/MorphoSource_SF
then update the MorphoSource_SF repository with the following two commands
git fetch
git pull origin master
Run MorphoSource_SF setup script
start the server(s)
bin/rails hydra:server
This starts Solr, Fedora, and Rails
Create default admin set
Open a new ssh session and shell into vagrant:
cd morphosource-vagrant
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/MorphoSource_SF
then run
bin/rails hyrax:default_admin_set:create
(you can close the session when it's done)
The application should now be running at localhost:3000. You can try to do some things like creating a new user account and depositing an object
*Note that if you would like to give your user account admin rights, you'll need to edit the config/role_map.yml file. Create a new role type under the development section at the top named 'admin:' and add the user account you created under it as '- email@address.com'. After updating the role_map.xml, shutdown and restart the rails server to see the change. *
- to shut down the app, stop the rails server by pressing Ctrl-C, logout of vagrant
, and then shutdown the VMvagrant halt
- to startup again, run
vagrant up
,vagrant ssh
,cd /vagrant/MorphoSource_SF
, andbin/rails hydra:server
- SOLR should be running on :8983
- Fedora should be running on :8984
- Solr and Fedora now run individually (so we don't need to run rake tasks) see Run the wrappers.
- Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit base machine
- Solr 6.6.0: http://localhost:8983/solr/
- Fedora 4.7.1: http://localhost:8984/
- Ruby 2.4.2 (managed by RVM)
- Rails 5.1.4
- Hyrax v2.1.0.beta2
Instructions are based on the Samvera Hyrax installation instructions