
Recursively backup all your git repositories using one command (powered by git bundles)

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Backup GIT Repos

Recursively backup all your git repos using a single command


USAGE: ./backup-git.sh -i SRC_DIR -o DST_DIR -m MODE
  -i: directory path, where to look for git repositoies to backup
  -o: directory path, where to store backups
  -m: output mode: recursive 'tree', or 'flat' named backups all in one folder

EXAMPLE 1: backup

./backup-git.sh -i ~/git -o ~/tmp -m flat

Will recursively backup all git repos in ~/git into ~/tmp, using flat structure

EXAMPLE 2: dry run

./backup-git.sh -i ~/git -o ~/tmp -m tree --dry yes

EXAMPLE 3: dry run trick

./backup-git.sh -i ~/git -o ~/tmp -m tree --dry yes > real_backup.sh

what's cool about dry run, is that you can actualy save the output as script, to run it later