
Wyrm connects distributed .NET services

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Wyrm connects distributed services through a common API.

Example (Using RabbitMQ provider)

public static async Task Main(string[] args)
        .ConfigureServices(serviceCollection =>
            serviceCollection.AddWyrm(options =>
                // configure a provider, such as RabbitMQ

                // Add one or more services here

// The EventAttribute listens for messages, converts the payload
// in the event to the Model class, and calls the HandleAsync method
public class MyEventService : Wyrm.Events.EventHandler<Model> {
    public override async Task HandleAsync(Model payload, CancellationToken token)
        // ...handle queue message here
        await doSomeWork(payload, token);

// If a return value is specified, it will be posted to another queue
[Wyrm.Events.Event("Another.RabbitMQ.Queue", Direction=Direction.Out)]
public class MyOtherService : Wyrm.Events.EventHandler<InModel, OutModel> {

    // the returned result is serialized and posted to the out queue (if not null)
    public override async Task<OutModel> HandleAsync(InModel payload, CancellationToken token)
        await doSomeWork(payload, token); 
        return new OutModel(); 


public static async Task Main(string[] args)
        .ConfigureServices(serviceCollection =>
            serviceCollection.AddWyrm(options =>
                // configure a provider, such as RabbitMQ
                // host is required; port is optional
                options.UseRabbitMq(host: "rabbitmq", port: 5672);

                // Add one or more services here

                // with configuration
                options.AddEventHandler<EventService2>(options: opt => 
                    // can have multiple instances for parallel processing
                    opt.InstanceCount = 10;

                // implementation factory pattern:
                options.AddEventHandler<EventService3>(implementationFactory: svcs => 
                    return new EventService3();