Write a program that prints a multiplication table of primes numbers. The program should take an argument from the command line that specifies the amount of prime numbers to generate and print out a multiplication table for these prime numbers.
An example of the way the application may run:
<executable_script_name> --count 10
An example of the output:
| 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
2 | 4 6 10 14 22 26 34 38 46 58
3 | 6 9 15 21 33 39 51 57 69 87
5 | 10 15 25 35 55 65 85 95 115 145
7 | 14 21 35 49 77 91 119 133 161 203
11 | 22 33 55 77 121 143 187 209 253 319
13 | 26 39 65 91 143 169 221 247 299 377
17 | 34 51 85 119 187 221 289 323 391 493
19 | 38 57 95 133 209 247 323 361 437 551
23 | 46 69 115 161 253 299 391 437 529 667
29 | 58 87 145 203 319 377 493 551 667 841
Please provide a compressed file with your application source and, when applicable, any source control files.
- Consider code readability/complexity
- Consider SOLID / functional principles, but do not over-engineer
- Consider extensibility
- Feel free to use any library, except in the case of prime number generation
- Consider how you can prove the correctness of your application
- You can write it in Ruby, Clojure, Python or Perl.