evaluate-news-nlp is a web application that takes a news article URL as input, applies Natural Language Processing, and dynamically updates the page to display the results.
The application calls a third party MeaningCloud API to process the NLP semantics. The results shown include a formatted output in tables, as well as raw JSON output.
This application is hosted on Heroku.
Simply enter the URL in the provided text input and click the submit button.
The server is built with Node.js providing a couple HTTP GET routes for data retrieved at the client side js. The project uses Webpack build tool for asset management and bundling of the project for production deployment. Included are two configuration files for production and development utilizing Webpack dev server. Styling is done with Sass. JS and styles are minified for production environment. Finally service workers are added to show content offline.
- Node.js, Express, Webpack, Sass, Service Workers, various supporting npm packages
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details