
Flutter project for Approachable Geeks

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Flutter Project for Approachable Geeks



Main Profile Screen

Getting Started

To run this app, you must have the following installed. There's alot of good documentation online to download these to Windows, Linux, and iOS.

Download these as well depending on what platform you are developing for

Adding Flutter to Environment Variables

After downloading the Flutter SDK, it is important that you add it to your PATH on your machine. You can find the instructions for your machine on the Flutter website, but I will leave instructions here as well.


  1. Navigate from the terminal to the Flutter SDK directory and type in pwd to get the directory path. Copy this path.

  2. From the search bar, enter env and select Edit environment variables for your account


  1. Add the copied path to your Path variable by pressing New and restart your terminal.


  1. Now you should have access to Flutter command line tools



  1. From the terminal, enter the directory where you have the Flutter SDK and enter pwd to get the directory path and copy it.

  2. Use the command echo $SHELL in your terminal to see which shell that you are using. If you are using Bash, create a new text file by using the command touch $HOME/.bash_profile. If using Z shell, create a new text file by using the command touch $HOME/.zshrc.

  3. Add to the file by using the command nano $HOME/[your . file] and paste in the path to the Flutter SDK. Be sure to save this text file.

  4. Run the command source $HOME/.<rc file> in the terminal to refresh the current window.

  5. Verify that flutter/bin directory is now in your PATH by running echo $PATH.

Once VS Code is downloaded and have added the Flutter SDK to PATH, be sure to download the Flutter and Dart extensions as well to be able to run the applications.

  • If theres any trouble adding to your PATH in macOS, please refer to this tutorial

Running the project

Running this project is dependent on what device that you are using. However, at any point feel free to run the command flutter doctor in the terminal to check if you need anything additional for Flutter.


Please run the command flutter pub get in order to get the packages in included in this project (image_picker).

Android Simulator

  1. In order to use the Android Emulator, you must download Android Studio as mentioned in section Getting Started.
  2. After open the Flutter project in VS Code, you can run Flutter find devices in the command pallete to select the Android Emulator. You can also run flutter emulators in the terminal to see which emulators are available. To select an emulator in the terminal, run the command flutter emulators --launch <emulator id>
  3. To run the project, enter the command flutter run. You can also run debugging mode for the application by pressing F5.

For reference, I followed this tutorial for flutter on Android

iOS Simulator

  1. In order to have the iPhone Simulator, make sure to have XCode downloaded on your machine and open it at least once to sign the license agreement. (You must install the latest version of XCode to use Flutter)
  2. To have access to XCode command line tools, be sure to run the following in the command line
    sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
    sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch
    If you have the XCode-beta.app, be sure to replace Xcode.app with Xcode-beta.app.
  3. Open the iOS Simulator by running the command in the terminal open -a Simulator.
  4. Enter the project directory and run the command flutter run

For reference, I followed this tutorial for flutter on iOS

Running on iOS Device

To run the project on an iOS please follow the additional steps stated in the Flutter guide. Although it isn't stated in this guide, if you want to see your project on iOS version +14, you must run the command flutter run --release in order to deploy on iOS device.

I followed this answer in order to run on my device.

If you happen to get the message Unable to verify developer, be sure to enter your System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General. There you should be able to allow your system to trust the files in the Flutter SDK.

Production Notes

  • do not use Expanded around GestureDetector or else child CircleAvatar within GestureDetector will not be shown

Common Errors to fix

  • Renderflex overflowed by 5.1 pixels on the bottom Solution
  • System UI is not responding (might be a android emulator thing with Studio)
  • Incorrect use of Parent Data Widget