
Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress Skeleton

This is simply a skeleton repo for a WordPress site. Use it to jump-start your WordPress site repos, or fork it and customize it to your own liking!

Forked from Mark Jaquith's excellent WordPress Skeleton


  • WordPress as a Git submodule in /wp/
  • Custom content directory in /content/ (cleaner, and also because it can't be in /wp/)
  • wp-config.php in the root (because it can't be in /wp/)
  • All writable directories are symlinked to similarly named locations under /shared/.


As this Skeleton includes the IMG Starter theme (from version 1.1.0) and requires node.js, gulp.js as well as modification of various elements including salts, theme folder name, etc. the recommended installation method would be via IMG WP AutoInstaller to ensure all dependencies are met.


  • If you're getting Internal Server Error while trying to load the site for the first time, check your .htaccess file, there have been some settings changed to comply with Apache 2.4

Questions & Answers

Q: Why the /shared/ symlink stuff for uploads?
A: For local development, create /shared/ (it is ignored by Git), and have the files live there. For production, have your deploy script (Capistrano is my choice) look for symlinks pointing to /shared/ and repoint them to some outside-the-repo location (like an NFS shared directory or something). This gives you separation between Git-managed code and uploaded files.

Q: What's the deal with local-config.php?
A: It is for local development, which might have different MySQL credentials or do things like enable query saving or debug mode. This file is ignored by Git, so it doesn't accidentally get checked in. If the file does not exist (which it shouldn't, in production), then WordPress will used the DB credentials defined in wp-config.php.

Q: What is memcached.php?
A: This is for people using memcached as an object cache backend. It should be something like: <?php return array( "server01:11211", "server02:11211" ); ?>. Programattic generation of this file is recommended.

Q: Does this support WordPress in multisite mode?
A: It will, starting with WordPress 3.5 (due out in December, 2012). Earlier versions of WordPress don't support Multisite when WordPress is in a subdirectory.